• ANSI stands for ________?
    1. American Nation Standard Instruction Codes
    2. American National Standard Institute
    3. Asian National Standard Instruction Codes
    4. Asian Nations Standard Instruction Codes

  • HTML stands for ________?
    1. Hyper Text Magic Line
    2. Hyper Text Markup Line
    3. Hyper Text Markup Language
    4. High Text Markup Language

  • TCP stands for ________?
    1. Transmission Centric Protocol
    2. Transfer Control Protocol
    3. Transmission Control Protocol
    4. Transmission Control Process

  • NOS stands for ________?
    1. New Operating System
    2. Network Operating Source
    3. Network Operating System
    4. Network Original System

  • ISDN stands for ________?
    1. Integrated Service Digital Network
    2. Intelligent Service Digital Network
    3. Integrated Service Double Network
    4. Integrated Secure Digital Network

  • ASCII stands for ________?
    1. American Standard Code for Inked Information
    2. American Standard Code for Information Inked
    3. American Standard Code for Information Interchange
    4. Asian Standard Code for Information Interchange

  • IP stands for ________?
    1. Intranet Process
    2. Internet Process
    3. Intranet Protocol
    4. Internet Protocol

  • MAC stands for ________?
    1. Mass Access Control
    2. Media Access Control
    3. Mass Access Carraige
    4. Media Access Carraige

  • PDF stands for ________?
    1. Printed Document Format
    2. Public Document Format
    3. Portable Document Format
    4. Published Document Format

  • CRT stands for ______?
    1. Crystal Ray Tube
    2. Cathode Ray Tube
    3. Cabin Ray Tube
    4. Carbon Ray Tube

  • PHP stands for ___________?
    1. Processor Hypertext Program
    2. Hypertext Preprocessor
    3. Pre Hypertext Processor
    4. Pre Processor Hypertext

  • SWF stands for ________?
    1. Shut Wave Flash
    2. Shock Wave Player
    3. Shock Wave Flash
    4. Shut Wave Flash

  • ADF stands for ________?
    1. All Disc Feeder
    2. Automatic Document Feeder
    3. Automatic Document Finder
    4. Automatic Disc Finder

  • AGP stands for ________?
    1. Accelerated Group Part
    2. Advanced Graphics Port
    3. Accelerated Graphics Port
    4. Advanced Group Part

  • LCD stands for ________?
    1. Liquid Clear Display
    2. Light Clear Display
    3. Light Crystal Display
    4. Liquid Crystal Display

  • RTF stands for ________?
    1. Right Text Format
    2. Read Text Format
    3. Rich Text Format
    4. Royal Text Format

  • DVI stands for ________?
    1. Digital Video Internet
    2. Digital Video Interface
    3. Disc Video Interface
    4. Disc Video Internet

  • FORTRAN stands for ________?
    1. Formula transistor
    2. Formula translation
    3. Formula train network
    4. Formula translation network

  • BMP stands for ________?
    1. Byte map
    2. Bit map
    3. Byte map process
    4. Bit map process

  • FTP stands for ________?
    1. Fix Transfer Protocol
    2. File Transfer Procedure
    3. File Transfer Protocol
    4. First Transfer Protocol

  • KB stands for ________?
    1. Kernel Boot
    2. Kit Bit
    3. Kilo Byte
    4. Key Block

  • You can detect spelling and grammar errors by ___________?
    1. Press Shift + F7
    2. Press Ctrl + F7
    3. Press Alt+ F7
    4. Press F7

  • CD stands for ______?
    1. Composite Disk
    2. Company Disk
    3. Compact Disk
    4. Criteria Disk

  • What is the maximum number of columns that can be inserted in MS Word Table?
    1. 35
    2. 45
    3. 55
    4. 63
    5. 65

  • COBOL stands for __________?
    1. Common Book Oriented Language
    2. Common Basic Oriented Language
    3. Common Boot Oriented Language
    4. Common Business Oriented Language