• The continent which has not desert_________?
    1. Asia
    2. Africa
    3. Europe
    4. None of these

  • Old Town of Ghadames is located in:________?
    1. Iran
    2. Syria
    3. Libya
    4. None of these

  • Where is Katpana desert located ?
    1. Harbin, China
    2. Skardu, Pakistan
    3. Dras, India
    4. Sydney, Australia

  • Who among the following persons is called '; Desert Fox '; ?
    1. Eisenhower
    2. Walter Scott
    3. Erwin Rommel
    4. Price Bismark

  • Which one is the world coldest desert ?
    1. Sahara Desert
    2. Gobi Desert
    3. Antarctic Desert
    4. Thar Desert

  • Ogaden desert is present in__________?
    1. Europe
    2. Asia
    3. Africa
    4. America

  • The only fertile desert in the world is__________?
    1. Dasht -e Lut Desert
    2. Great Thar Desert
    3. Chihuahuan Desert

  • The Sahara is a desert located on the ______________continent?
    1. African
    2. Asian
    3. Australian
    4. North American

  • Which is world’s biggest desert lake?
    1. Lake Turkana
    2. Lake Victoria
    3. Lake Titicaca
    4. Lake Baikal

  • The World Day to combat Desertification and Drought is observed each year on_________?
    1. 17 June
    2. 17 July
    3. 17 August
    4. 17 September

  • Which sea is referred to as an oceanic desert?
    1. Red sea
    2. Sargasso sea
    3. Arabian sea
    4. Sea of Japan

  • Gobi desert is located in__________?
    1. India
    2. Russia
    3. Syria
    4. Mongolia

  • Area of Thar Desert in square miles is _________?
    1. 77,000
    2. 88,000
    3. 66,000
    4. 55,000

  • Who was called “The Desert Fox”?
    1. Adolf Hitler
    2. Gen. Erwin Rommel
    3. Williams Roger';s
    4. Sir. Robert Rogers

  • ";Dasht-e-Lut"; desert is located in____________?
    1. China
    2. Libya
    3. Iraq
    4. Iran

  • The painted Desert lies in which US state?
    1. Florida
    2. Hawaii
    3. Arizona
    4. New York

  • The highest Cold Desert in the World is Katpana Desert. It is located in which Country of the World?
    1. India
    2. Chine
    3. South Africa
    4. Pakistan

  • Taklamakan Desert is located in_________?
    1. Mongolia
    2. Chilli
    3. Kazakhstan
    4. China

  • The largest cold desert of the world is in ___________?
    1. Europe
    2. Antarctica
    3. Africa
    4. Asia

  • In which Country does the desert city Timbuktoo lies?
    1. Morocco
    2. Mauritania
    3. Mali
    4. Sudan

  • The driest desert in the world is___________?
    1. Sahara Desert
    2. Cholistan Desert
    3. Arabian Desert
    4. Atacama Desert

  • The Atacama Desert is located in_________?
    1. Asia
    2. Africa
    3. South America
    4. Australia

  • The part of desert where adequate water is available for cultivation is called ___________?
    1. Oasis
    2. Marsh
    3. Island
    4. Isthmus

  • The Patagonian Desert is located in ____________?
    1. U.S
    2. Argentina
    3. Brazil
    4. Canada

  • Which continent has no desert?
    1. Europe
    2. N.America
    3. S.America
    4. Australia