• Delhi is situated on the banks of river____________?
    1. Yumna river
    2. Ganga river
    3. Brahamputra river
    4. Ravi river

  • Smallest glacier in the world is ____________?
    1. Gem
    2. Pindari
    3. Baltoro
    4. Batura

  • Saravan & Zabol are the famous town of which country?
    1. Iraq
    2. Iran
    3. Afghanistan
    4. Pakistan

  • Which country in Africa was formerly known as Rhodesia?
    1. south Africa
    2. Zimbabwe
    3. Zambia
    4. Kenya

  • Spice island is the another alternative name for which of these Indonesian island?
    1. Papua New Guinea
    2. Moluccas
    3. Bali
    4. Borneo

  • The IAEA’s genesis was U.S. President Eisenhower’s ________ address to the General Assembly of the United Nations on 8 December 1953.
    1. Atoms for Health
    2. Atoms for Non-Military Purpose
    3. Atoms for Peace
    4. Atom as Weapon

  • The IAEA’s genesis was address of which US President to the General Assembly of the United Nations on 8 December 1953.
    1. Harry S. Truman
    2. Dwight D. Eisenhower
    3. Franklin D. Roosevelt
    4. Richard M. Nixon

  • Decisions of SAARC at all levels are taken on the basis of:_____________?
    1. 2/3 Majority
    2. 3/4 Majority
    3. Unanimity
    4. None of These

  • SAARC is the abbreviation of: ________________?
    1. South Asian Associate for Regional Cooperation
    2. South Asian Association for Region';s Cooperation
    3. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
    4. South Asia Association for Regional Coordination

  • The term of President of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is:___________ Years?
    1. 3 Years
    2. 4 Years
    3. 5 Years
    4. 6 Years

  • Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) was granted ';Permanent Observer status'; in the deliberations of both the United Nations General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council in:____________?
    1. 2016
    2. 2017
    3. 2018
    4. 2019

  • The American Museum of Natural History is located in:____________?
    1. Washington D.C.
    2. New York
    3. Los Angeles
    4. Dallas

  • According to UNHCR most refugees – 76 per cent – are hosted by ________countries.
    1. High Income
    2. Low Income
    3. Middle Income
    4. Both (B) and (C)

  • UNHCR is formally known as the: _______________?
    1. High Commissioner for Refugees
    2. UN Commissioner for Refugees
    3. Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees
    4. Refugees High Commission

  • Which country joined OPEC two times but decided to suspend its membership again in November 2016?
    1. Iran
    2. Qatar
    3. Indonesia
    4. Venezuela

  • Which one of the world largest rivers flow in a single country?
    1. river Nile
    2. river Indus
    3. river Yangtze
    4. Having He

  • Malacca Strait is located between:
    1. Andaman sea and South China sea
    2. South China sea and East China sea
    3. Andaman island and Nikobar island
    4. Malay peninsula and Sumatra peninsula

  • The organizational structure of Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) includes:
    1. The Supreme Council
    2. The Ministerial Council
    3. The Secretariat General
    4. All of These

  • Which Animal';s fingerprints match with human?
    1. Koala
    2. Hamster
    3. Kangaroo
    4. Monkey

  • Name the first ever female Prime Minister in the world?
    1. Benazir Bhutto
    2. Indra Gandhi
    3. Sirimavo Bandaranaike
    4. Golda Meir

  • Headquarter of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) is in _______________?
    1. Thimphu
    2. Phnom Penh
    3. Beijing
    4. Seoul

  • International consortium of investigative journalists (ICIJ) is based at ___________?
    1. London
    2. Berlin
    3. Washington
    4. Geneva

  • The World';s Famous ';Louvre Museum'; is located in __________?
    1. Australia
    2. New Zealand
    3. China
    4. France

  • National Day of Finland is celebrated on ____________?
    1. 4th Dec
    2. 5th Dec
    3. 6th Dec
    4. 7th Dec

  • National Day of Thailand is celebrated on ____________?
    1. 3-Dec
    2. 4-Dec
    3. 5-Dec
    4. 6-Dec