Recent Questions

  • The first Gilgit Baltistan woman  who play for Pakistan National cricket Team?
    1. Daina Baig
    2. Asma Ali
    3. Sawera Hussain
    4. Wajiha Basharat.

  • Nalter valley is located in which district of gilgit baltistan?
    1. Gilgit
    2. Ghizar
    3. Kharmang
    4. Hunza

  • When the people of Gilgit Baltistan celebrate their independence from Dogra Raj?
    1. 29th December
    2. 30th December
    3. 1st November
    4. 2nd November

  • Which city of Gilgit Baltistan has an international airport?
    1. Gilgit
    2. Hunza
    3. Skardu
    4. Astor

  • Who is the 3rd Chief Minister of Gilgit Baltistan?
    1. Syed Mehdi Shah
    2. Hafiz Hafeezur Rehman
    3. Khalid Khurshid
    4. None of these

  • The largest wooden made Mosque is present in which district of Gilgit Baltistan?
    1. Gilgit District
    2. skardu District
    3. Ghizer District
    4. Ghanche District

  • Number of Districts in Gilgit Baltistan is _________?
    1. 5
    2. 7
    3. 12
    4. 14

  • Rama Lack is located in which district of Gilgit Baltistan?
    1. Hunza
    2. Astore
    3. Sikrdu
    4. Gilgit

  • Number of divisions in Gilgit Baltistan is ______?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 7
    4. 4

  • Who was the acting President of Gilgit Baltistan before joining Pakistan?
    1. Hasan khan
    2. Mirza Ali
    3. Malik Muhammad Miskeen
    4. Shah Raees khan

  • Sheena is a local language of __________ ?
    1. Gilgit Baltistan
    2. Sindh
    3. Punjab
    4. None of them

  • In summer season polo tournaments are held in ________ ?
    1. Gilgit Baltistan
    2. Sindh
    3. Punjab
    4. None of them

  • Polo game originated from __________ ?
    1. Gilgit Baltistan
    2. Iran
    3. USA
    4. Subcontinent

  • The capital of Gilgit Baltistan is __________ ?
    1. Pamir
    2. Baltistan
    3. Hunza
    4. Gilgit

  • Which Pakistani area is sandwiched between China and Indian-held Kashmir?
    1. Astor
    2. Baltistan
    3. Chitral
    4. Kalash

  • Baltistan is called _________ ?
    1. Little Tibet
    2. Paradise
    3. Beauty of Earth
    4. Land of Fairies

  • Which valley is known as ";Roof of the world";?
    1. Chitral
    2. Chilas
    3. Skardu
    4. Baltistan

  • Who is the first Chief Minister of Gilgit Balitistan?
    1. Syed Mehdi Shah
    2. Qamar-u-Zaman Kaira
    3. Wazir Baig
    4. Pir Karam Shah

  • Who was the first Women Governor of Gilgit Balitistan?
    1. Begum Shama Khalid
    2. Qamar-u-Zaman Kaira
    3. Wazir Baig
    4. Pir Karam Shah

  • Who was the first Governor of Gilgit Balitistan?
    1. Begum Shamma Khalid
    2. Qamar-u-Zaman Kaira
    3. Wazir Baig
    4. Pir Karam Shah

  • Second Highest mountain of the world K-2 is located in __________?
    1. Gilgit Baltistan
    2. KPK
    3. FATA
    4. Kashmir