Recent Questions

  • When Helen Keller day observed every year?
    1. 25 June
    2. 26 June
    3. 27 June
    4. None of These

  • World Jump Day celebrated on: _____________?
    1. 20 July
    2. 21 July
    3. 22 July
    4. 23 July

  • ';International nurses day'; is observed on ________________?
    1. 12 May
    2. 12 April
    3. 12 march
    4. 12 February

  • Which one of the following day marks on 17 April:
    1. UN day
    2. Hunger day
    3. Palestinian prisoner day
    4. None

  • 3 May is observed Internationally as _________.
    1. Labour Day
    2. Environment Day
    3. Earth Day
    4. Press Freedom Day

  • International Conscience day is celebrated on?
    1. 14 May
    2. 4 August
    3. 5 April
    4. 15 july

  • International day for Mine Awareness is observed on?
    1. 4th April
    2. 15th May
    3. 21st March
    4. 4th June