• Which Tawaf is known as Welcome Tawaf?
    1. Tawaf al-Ifadha
    2. Tawaf-ul-Qudoom
    3. Tawaf Al-Wadaa
    4. Tawaf Al-Nafl

  • The Title given to the pioneers of Islam was___________?
    1. Mushahidoon al Awwalum
    2. Muslimoon al Awwalun
    3. Al-awwalun
    4. Assabiqoon al Awwalun

  • ';Jalsa'; in Namaz is _________?
    1. Farz
    2. Sunnah
    3. Wajib
    4. None of these

  • What was real name of Hazrat Abu Baker (R.A)?
    1. Abdullah ibn Uthman
    2. Abu Turab
    3. Sadiq e Akber
    4. Saraqa bin jasham

  • Which Surah of Holy Quran throws light on the Halal and Haram of sacrificial animals?
    1. Surah Al-Ma';idah
    2. Surah Al Imran
    3. Surah Al Nehal
    4. Surah Al Raad

  • Name of Surah of Holy Quran which mentions the rights of the parents?
    1. Surah Ahzab
    2. Surah Luqman
    3. Surah Mudassar
    4. Surah Al Maeda

  • Who was the leader of infidels during the Ghazwa-e-Uhud?
    1. Abu Sufyan
    2. Abu Jehl
    3. Abu Lahab
    4. None of these

  • Who was the first lady inspector of Madinah appointed by Hazrat Umar (R.A) ?
    1. Umm Al-shifaa bint Abdullah
    2. Rufaida Al-Aslamia
    3. Hazrat Ayesha
    4. None of these

  • Which Jewish tribe was expelled from Madinah after the Battle of Badr?
    1. Banu Nazir
    2. Banu Qaynuqa
    3. Banu Quiraiza
    4. Banu Aus

  • In Masjid e Aqsa the word Aqsa means___________?
    1. Far away
    2. Near
    3. Highest
    4. Oldest

  • Name the mother of Hazrat Yousaf (عليه السلام)?
    1. Sara
    2. Raheel
    3. Nafeesa
    4. Zainab

  • How many Sunnah';s are in four obligations of Ablution?
    1. 10
    2. 13
    3. 18
    4. 15

  • Surah al-Dukhan means___________?
    1. Rain
    2. Water
    3. Cloud
    4. Smoke

  • How Many Ayats (verses) are in Surah Al-Ḥujurāt?
    1. 12
    2. 10
    3. 18
    4. 22

  • The Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave the title of_________ to Hazrat Usama bin Zaid R.A ?
    1. Ameen-ul-Ummat
    2. Sayyed-ul-Muslimeen
    3. Khair-ul-Tabe';en
    4. Hub Rasool-Ullah

  • ";Zul Shadatain"; is the title of __________ ?
    1. Hazrat Khuzaima bin Thabit
    2. Hazrat Salman Farsi RA
    3. Hazrat Saeed bin Zaid RA
    4. Hazrat Abdullah Jhesh RA

  • The Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave the title of_________ to Hazrat Salman Farsi ?
    1. Sultan-ul-Khair
    2. Zul-Shadatain
    3. Naqeeb-e-Islam
    4. Zul-Noorain

  • Which of the following the Qur';an considers as an unpardonable sin?
    1. Lie
    2. Jealousy
    3. Shirk
    4. Hypocrisy

  • What is the primary emphasis of the Qur';an upon?
    1. The Prophethood of Prophets
    2. The Doctrine of Tauheed
    3. The Hereafter Life
    4. None of these

  • The Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave the title of_________ to Hazrat Salman Farsi ?
    1. Afzal-ul-Bashr
    2. Sultan-ul-Khair
    3. Naqeeb-e-Islam
    4. Zul-Shadatain

  • The Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave the title of_________ to Naqeeb-e-Ansar ?
    1. Hazrat Abu Talha Ansari RA
    2. Hazrat Salman Farsi RA
    3. Hazrat Saeed bin Zaid RA
    4. Hazrat Abdullah Jhesh RA

  • Hazrat Ibn Abbas (RA) had the title of ____________ ?
    1. Turjuman-ul-Quran
    2. Khair-ul-Bashr
    3. Ameen-ul-Ummat
    4. Sayyed-ul-Muslimeen

  • The Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave the title of_________ to Hazrat Owais Qarni R.A ?
    1. Khair-ut-Tabe';en
    2. Sayyed-ul-Muslimeen
    3. Turjuman-ul-Quran
    4. Naqeeb-e-Ansar

  • The Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave the title of _____________ to Hazrat Huzefa bin -al-Yaman R.A ?
    1. Mahram-e-Raza-e-Nabuwat
    2. Sayyed-ul-Muslimeen
    3. Turjuman-ul-Quran
    4. Naqeeb-e-Ansar

  • The Holy Prophet (PBUH) gave the title of_________ to Abu Zar Ghaffari R.A ?
    1. Sheikh-ul-Islam RA
    2. Ameen-ul-Ummat RA
    3. Khair-ut-Tabe';en RA
    4. Maizban-e-Rasool