• The Battle of Camel was fought at__________?
    1. Madina
    2. Makkah
    3. Kufa
    4. Basra

  • Kufa was made capital in which Hijra year?
    1. 35
    2. 36
    3. 38
    4. 40

  • The Muslim death toll on both sides in the Battle of Camel was about:________?
    1. 5,000
    2. 7,000
    3. 10,000
    4. 12,000

  • The Battle of Yarmouk was fought during the caliphate of___________?
    1. Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA)
    2. Hazrat Usman (RA)
    3. Hazrat Umar (RA)
    4. Hazrat Ali (RA)

  • In which Surah of Quran mentioned that the number of months are Twelve?
    1. Al-Imran
    2. Al-Bakra
    3. Al-Taoba
    4. Al-Anfal

  • Pious-Caliphate lasted for about:__________ Years?
    1. Eighteen Years
    2. Twenty Years
    3. Thirty Years
    4. Five Years

  • Who was the first writer of ";Wahi"; in Quraish?
    1. Harat Abdul Rahman bin Auf (RA)
    2. Hazrat Zaid bin Sabit (RA)
    3. Hazrat Abdulla bin Zubair (RA)
    4. Hazrat Ibn Masuod (RA)

  • Imam Shafi took the office of ";Religious Judgment"; in the age of:__________?
    1. 13 years
    2. 14 years
    3. 20 years
    4. 15 years

  • Give the name, who compiled first work of Hadith ";Sahifa-e-Sadiqa.";
    1. Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA)
    2. Imam Muslim (RA)
    3. Hazrat Abdullah bin Amr (RA)
    4. Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA)

  • Who are the “Sahibain”?
    1. Abu Hanifah and Abu Yusuf
    2. Abu Hanifah and Imam Shaibani
    3. Abu Yusuf and Imam Shaibani
    4. Abu Hanifah and Imam Shafi

  • First Mujadid was Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz. Who was the second one?
    1. Ibn-e-Taimya
    2. Imam Ghizali
    3. Ahmad Sirhindi
    4. Shah Waliullah

  • Masjid-e-Khief is located in:_________?
    1. Muzdilifa
    2. Arafaat
    3. Minna
    4. None of these

  • Charter of Medina was drafted by Muhammad (pbuh) himself. In which Hijra Charter of Madina was drafted?
    1. 1st
    2. 2nd
    3. 3rd
    4. 4th

  • The famous Personalities whom Accepted Islam after the Conquest of Makkah Were___________?
    1. Abu sufyan
    2. Hind (Wife of Abu Sufyan)
    3. Ikrima bin Abu Jahal ( son of Abu Jahal)
    4. Sohail Bin Amr
    5. All of these

  • After the Battle of Yermuk, which was won by the Muslims Khalid bin Waleed was removed by the Caliph Umar (RA) from his supreme command. The new Supereme Commander was:
    1. Amr bin Al Aas (RA)
    2. Abu Ubaydah (RA)
    3. Saad bin Abi Waqas (RA)
    4. Hazrat Bilal (RA)

  • The Battle of Sallasil or the Battle of Chains was fought between__________and the Muslims?
    1. Arabs
    2. Jews
    3. Persians
    4. Romans

  • When Khalid bin Waleed was removed from the service in the rein of Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA)?
    1. 14 A.H
    2. 15 A.H
    3. 16 A.H
    4. 17 A.H

  • The Expedition of al Raji, occurred in the year _________ of the Islamic calendar?
    1. 3 A.H
    2. 4 A.H
    3. 5 A.H
    4. 6 A.H

  • When Halaku khan sacked Baghdad?
    1. 1228
    2. 1238
    3. 1258
    4. 1268

  • Imam Shafi learnt Quran at the age of___________?
    1. Ten
    2. Seven
    3. Six

  • Examples of Ijma as a slurp of Islamic Law?
    1. Azan for Juma prayer
    2. Compilation of Holy Quran
    3. Traweeh prayer
    4. All of above

  • Collection of Holy Quran in the reign of Hazrat Abubakar RA was done by Hazrat Zaid RA between______?
    1. 11-14 A.H
    2. 11-15 A.H
    3. 13-16 A.H
    4. 12-15 A.H

  • When did Imam Abu Hanifa died?
    1. 120 A.H
    2. 130 A.H
    3. 140 A.H
    4. 150 A.H

  • The book ";Kitab al Amwal"; (The book of Revenue) was written by __________ ?
    1. Imam Bukhari
    2. Abu Yusuf
    3. Abu Ubaid al Qasim Ibn Sallam
    4. Muhammad Al Shaybani

  • Who wrote the book ";Kitab al Kharaj";?
    1. Imam Abu Hanifa
    2. Imam Shafi
    3. Muhammad Al Shaybani