• Baghdad city was established as Capital of Abbasid Dynasty by____________?
    1. Al';Mansoor
    2. As';Saffah
    3. Harun Rasheed
    4. Al';Ma';mun

  • On the suggestion of whom, Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) released the Prisoners of Ghazwa-e-Badar?
    1. Hazrat Abu Bakar
    2. Hazrat Umar Farooq
    3. Hazrat Ali-ulMurtaza
    4. Hazrat Ameer Hamza

  • The period of reign of Abū Isḥāq Muḥammad ibn Hārūn al-Rashīd is from___________?
    1. 833-842
    2. 750-850
    3. 700-800
    4. 687-792

  • What is the Original Name of Muʿtaṣim bi’llāh?
    1. Abu Ayub ibn Rashid
    2. Abu Sufyan ibn Daud
    3. Abu Ansar ibn Usman

  • The Mosque of Prophet (PBUH) was damaged due to fire in the reign of__________?
    1. Shahjahan
    2. Aurangzeb
    3. Motasim Billah
    4. Razia Sultana

  • How many times does the name of Muhammad (SAW) come in the Quran?
    1. 1
    2. 2
    3. 3
    4. 4

  • The tomb of Hazrat Abu Ayyub al-Ansari is situated at___________?
    1. Ankara
    2. Madina
    3. Istanbul
    4. None of these

  • The height of Hazrat Adam (AS) was__________?
    1. 60 Feet
    2. 80 Feet
    3. 90 Feet
    4. none of these

  • She was alive at the time of ";karbala"; tragedy : Name her?
    1. Hazrat Umm- e Aiyman RA
    2. Hazrat Ayesha RA
    3. Hazrat Umm-e-Salma RA
    4. Hazrat Sumayya RA

  • Sulah e Hudaibiya is called Fatah Al-Mubeen in Surah?
    1. Al-Baqrah
    2. Al- Taubah
    3. Al-Imran
    4. Al-Fatah

  • Who is called Malik-ut-Tajjar?
    1. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)
    2. Hazrat Umar Farooq (R.A)
    3. Hazrat Usman Ghani (R.A)
    4. Hazrat Mola Ali (R.A)

  • Who is called Saqi-e-ZamZam?
    1. Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A)
    2. Hazrat Abbas (R.A)
    3. Hazrat Ali-ul-Murtaza (R.A)
    4. Imam Hussain (R.A)

  • What was the number of clauses of Charter of Madina?
    1. 45
    2. 46
    3. 47
    4. 48

  • What is the meaning of Khums (خمس)?
    1. One sixth
    2. One fifth
    3. One fourth
    4. One seventh

  • Boat of Hazrat Noah (A.S) is called ________?
    1. Curve
    2. Arc
    3. Arrow
    4. Arrec

  • What is Ushr?
    1. 1/10th produce of agriculture
    2. 1/5th of precious stones
    3. 1/10th of the whole property
    4. All of these

  • How many Muhajreen were there at the time of Mawaakhat?
    1. 35
    2. 40
    3. 45
    4. 50

  • How many essential beliefs are there in Iman-e-Mafassal?
    1. 5
    2. 9
    3. 7
    4. 11

  • When was the Qibla changed?
    1. 2nd Hijri
    2. 3rd Hijri
    3. 1st Hijri
    4. 4th Hijri

  • When Hijra started?
    1. 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal of 13th year of Nabawat
    2. 12th of Rabi-ul-Awwal of 12th year of Nabawat
    3. 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal of 14th year of Nabawat
    4. 12th Rabi-ul-Awwal of 10th year of Nabawat

  • Which incident took place on 24th September 622 AD in the life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)?
    1. He migrated to Madina
    2. He fell ill
    3. He was attacked
    4. He was stopped to travel

  • When did Hazrat Hamza embraced Islam?
    1. Fifth Nabvi
    2. Sixth Nabvi
    3. Seventh Nabvi
    4. Eighth Nabvi

  • Mujadid Alif Sani is tiltle of_____________?
    1. Sheikh Ahmad sirhindi
    2. Syed Ahmed Shaheed
    3. Shah waliullah
    4. None of these

  • Name the Prophet who was the first man to write?
    1. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)
    2. Hazrat Dawood (A.S)
    3. Hazrat Shoaib (A.S)
    4. Hazrat Idrees (A.S)

  • Fatwa kazi khan is the authentic fatwa of which sect?
    1. Fiqah Hanbali
    2. Fiqah Shafi
    3. Fiqah Hanfia
    4. Fiqah Jafriya