• which words of the Holy Quran are not explained by a common person?
    1. Muqte';aat
    2. Qamari
    3. Shamsi
    4. All of them

  • In which Surah of the Holy Quran, the regulations for prisoners of war mentioned?
    1. Baqara
    2. Al- Imran
    3. Nisa
    4. Insan

  • In how many years Madani Surahs were revealed?
    1. 8
    2. 9
    3. 10
    4. 11

  • In how many years Makhi Surahs were revealed?
    1. 13
    2. 14
    3. 15
    4. 16

  • Which is the best night mentioned in Holy Qur’an?
    1. Shab-e-Bara';at
    2. Shab-e-Miraj
    3. Shab-e-Qadar
    4. None of these

  • Which is the best month mentioned in Holy Qur’an?
    1. Rajab
    2. Sha’abān
    3. Ramadan
    4. Hajj

  • How many Surahs of the Holy Quran start with word ‘Inna‘ ?
    1. Three
    2. Four
    3. Five
    4. Six

  • Which is 12th month of Islamic Calendar?
    1. Rabi-us-Sani
    2. Rajab
    3. Zilhaj
    4. Jamadi-us-Sani

  • Which is 11th month of Islamic Calendar?
    1. Ziqa’ad
    2. Safar
    3. Rabi-uI-Awwal
    4. Shawwal

  • Which is 10th month of Islamic Calendar?
    1. Ramzan
    2. Ziqaad
    3. Zilhaj
    4. Shawwal

  • Which is ninth month of Islamic Calendar?
    1. Shawwal
    2. Ramzan
    3. Rabi-ul-Awwal
    4. Safar

  • Which is eighth month of Islamic Calendar?
    1. Shaban
    2. Ramzan
    3. Rabi-ul-Awwal

  • Which is seven month of Islamic Calendar?
    1. Jamadi-ul-Awwal
    2. Rajab
    3. Rabi-ul-Awwal
    4. Safar

  • Which is sixth month of Islamic Calendar?
    1. Rabi-us-Sani
    2. Rajab
    3. Rabi-ul-Awwal
    4. Jamadi-us-Sani

  • Which is fifth month of Islamic Calendar?
    1. Moharram
    2. Rajab
    3. Jamadi-ul-Awwal
    4. Safar

  • Which is fourth month of Islamic Calendar?
    1. Rabi-us-Sani
    2. Rajab
    3. Rabi-ul-Awwal
    4. Jamadi-us-Sani

  • Which is third month of Islamic Calendar?
    1. Safar
    2. Rajab
    3. Rabi-ul-Awwal
    4. Jamadi-ul-Awwal

  • Which is second month of Islamic Calendar?
    1. Safar
    2. Rajab
    3. Rabi-ul-Awwal
    4. Rabi-us-Sani

  • Which is first month of Islamic Calendar?
    1. Moharram
    2. Rajab
    3. Jamadi-ul-Awwal
    4. Safar

  • Makkah was also called___________?
    1. Ummul Qura
    2. Baladul Ameen
    3. Bakkah
    4. All of these

  • Islamic calendar is also called _____________.
    1. Muslim calendar
    2. Hijri calendar
    3. Lunar calendar
    4. Above all

  • The fourth daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was ______________.
    1. Hazrat Zainab (RA)
    2. Hazrat Fatima (RA)
    3. Hazrat Ruqayah (RA)
    4. Hazrat Umme Kulsom (RA)

  • The third daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was ______________.
    1. Hazrat Zainab (RA)
    2. Hazrat Fatima (RA)
    3. Hazrat Umme Kulsom (RA)
    4. Hazrat Ruqayah (RA)

  • The second daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was ______________.
    1. Hazrat Zainab (RA)
    2. Hazrat Fatima (RA)
    3. Hazrat Umme Kulsom (RA)
    4. Hazrat Ruqayah (RA)

  • The first daughter of our Holy prophet (SAW) was ______________.
    1. Hazrat Ruqayah (RA)
    2. Hazrat Fatima (RA)
    3. Hazrat Umme Kulsom (RA)
    4. Hazrat Zainab (RA)