• The parts of each of the Hadis are Sanad and_______________?
    1. Matan
    2. Musnad
    3. Sahifah
    4. Riwayat

  • How many parts of each Hadis are there______________?
    1. Two
    2. Three
    3. Four
    4. Five

  • What an authentic Hadis is called___________?
    1. Sahifah
    2. Sahih
    3. Musnad
    4. Saadiqah

  • Name the term on which acting upon it is not rewarding but it is also not a sin if you do not act upon it what is about it?
    1. Makruh-i-Tanzihi
    2. Makruh-i-Tehrimi
    3. Mubah
    4. Mustahab

  • Name the term whose avoidance is rewarding and although doing it, is not a sin, yet it is a sort of vice?
    1. Makruh-i-Tanzihi
    2. Makruh-i-Tehrimi
    3. Mubah
    4. Mustahab

  • Mabroor Hajj means______________?
    1. which is accepted
    2. which is not accepted
    3. which is observed correctly
    4. which is performed with deficiencies

  • Maqbool Hajj means______________?
    1. which is accepted
    2. which is not accepted
    3. which is observed correctly
    4. which is performed with deficiencies

  • A person who has an intention to offer only Hajj at Meeqat is called_______?
    1. Qaran
    2. Mufrid
    3. MUtamtae
    4. None of them

  • What does mean by Hadi__________?
    1. One kind of Hajj
    2. Last pebble on throwing Iblees
    3. Animal to be sacrifice
    4. Last circle of Tawaf

  • what do you understand by Tahleeq________?
    1. Cutting of hair
    2. First circle of Tawaf
    3. Kalmaas in loud voice during Tawaf
    4. Kissing of stone

  • A person who has an intention to offer only Umra at Meeqat is called_______?
    1. Qaran
    2. Mufrid
    3. Mutamtae
    4. None of them

  • A person who has an intention to offer Umra and Hajj at Meeqat is called_______?
    1. Qaran
    2. Mufrid
    3. Mutamtae
    4. None of them

  • There are _______________ types of Hajj?
    1. Two
    2. Three
    3. Four
    4. Five

  • Name the place which is called the Sacred Monument in the Holy Quran_________?
    1. Mina
    2. Arafat
    3. Muzdalfa
    4. Hateem

  • How many obligatory Acts of Hajj are there________?
    1. Two
    2. Three
    3. Four
    4. Five

  • Tawaf Al-Qudum is________________?
    1. Nafil
    2. Farz
    3. Wajib
    4. Sunnat

  • Tawaf-e-Rukan is _______________ component of Hajj?
    1. Nafil
    2. Farz
    3. Wajib
    4. Sunnat

  • How many types of Tawaf are there_______________?
    1. Two
    2. Three
    3. Four
    4. seven

  • Seclusion is Sunnah in the month of Ramzan. Another kind of Seclusion is Wajib its meaning is_______?
    1. Imperative
    2. Obligation
    3. Ordained
    4. valid

  • Aitekaaf (Seclusion) during the month of Ramzan is_____________?
    1. Wajib
    2. Mustahab
    3. Sunnah
    4. Nafl

  • How many days are forbidden for Soam/Fasting throughout the year_________?
    1. 4
    2. 5
    3. 6
    4. 7

  • Which article of the constitution of 1973 is related to the affairs of Zakat______?
    1. 31
    2. 44
    3. 46
    4. 39

  • Who runs the accounts of central Zakat fund in Pakistan__________?
    1. Administrator General
    2. Auditor General
    3. Accountant General
    4. Minister of Religious Affairs

  • At-least five wisk is weight of the produce of the crops over which Zakat becomes obligatory. Five wisk is equal to______?
    1. 40 Kg
    2. 45 Kg
    3. 50 kg
    4. 60 Kg

  • In salat, saying Darood is_____________?
    1. Farz
    2. Sunnah
    3. Mustahab
    4. Wajib