• How many years did it take for the complete revelation of the Quran?
    1. 12
    2. 21
    3. 23
    4. 22

  • Hazrat Yousaf (AS) remained in the well for__________ days?
    1. 3 days
    2. 5 days
    3. 7 days
    4. 12 days

  • When was the meat of donkey prohibited?
    1. Jang-e-Badar
    2. Jang-e-Khaibar
    3. Jang-e-Ahzab
    4. Jang-e-Hunain

  • In which Hajjri Ghazwa e Ohad was fought?
    1. 2 AH
    2. 4 AH
    3. 5 AH
    4. 3 AH

  • Who was the First Women ";Hafiz e Quran"; to memorize the Holy Quran?
    1. Umal Mumneen Hazrat Aysha (R.A)
    2. Umal Mumneen Hazrat Zainab (R.A)
    3. Umal Mumneen Hafsah bint-e-Umar (R.A)
    4. None of them

  • Name the Ummul-Mumineen who have narrated about 2210 Hadith of the Prophet (pbuh)?
    1. Hazrat Hifsa (Radi-Allahu Anha)
    2. Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa (Radi-Allahu Anha)
    3. Hazrat Khadijah (Radi-Allahu Anha)
    4. Hazrat Zainib (Radi-Allahu Anha)

  • Hazrat Adam (AS) is a word of______________language?
    1. Hebrew
    2. Syriani
    3. Persian
    4. Arabic

  • Who was called as kidnapper of the scholars?
    1. Haroon-ur- Rasheed
    2. Abu-Jafar al-Mansoor
    3. Mahmood Ghaznavi
    4. None of the above

  • In which Islamic Battle Angeles helped the Muslims?
    1. Uhad
    2. Badar
    3. Khyber
    4. None

  • Which of the following was the Teacher of Hazrat Musa (AS) ?
    1. Hazrat Ishaq (AS)
    2. Hazrat Ibrahim(A.S)
    4. Hazrat Yousaf (A.S)

  • How many Surah are with name of Prophets?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 6
    4. 5

  • When did incident of Karbala occur?
    1. 10 October 680
    2. 12 October 680
    3. 14 October 680
    4. 16 October 680

  • _____________ died while standing with the support of a stick?
    1. Hazrat Suleman A.S
    2. Hazrat Musa A.S
    3. Hazrat Haroon A.S
    4. Hazrat Essa A.S

  • Jibrael came _________ times into the court of the Holy Prophet?
    1. 20000
    2. 22000
    3. 24000
    4. 26000

  • Doors of Hell are ____________?
    1. 05
    2. 06
    3. 07
    4. 08

  • First ____________ Aayat of Holy Quraan are called Tawwal?
    1. Three
    2. Four
    3. Six
    4. Seven

  • Who is known as Adam-e-Sani?
    1. Hazrat Adam (A.S)
    2. Hzarat Moosa (A.S)
    3. Hazrat Nooh (A.S)
    4. Hazrat Ibbrahim (A.s)

  • Who Translated Holy Quran in Persian?
    1. Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani
    2. Shah Wali Ullah
    3. Hazrat Majdad Alif Sani
    4. None of these

  • Prophet hazrat __________ (AS) known as Shaikh al Anbiya ?
    1. Noah (عليهم السلام)
    2. Essa (عليهم السلام)
    3. Musa (عليهم السلام)
    4. Haroon (عليهم السلام)

  • Nemaz e taraweeh is?
    1. wajib
    2. farz
    3. sunnat
    4. None of them

  • The major part of Holy Quran is revealed at _________ time?
    1. Day
    2. Night
    3. Both A and B
    4. None of these

  • Surah Ankaboot means ___________?
    1. Cat
    2. Cockroach
    3. Horse
    4. Spider

  • Surah Muzammil means ____________?
    1. Cover
    2. Wrapped in Garments
    3. In The Sky
    4. Iron

  • How many angels are mentioned in The Holy Quran?
    1. Four
    2. Five
    3. Six
    4. Seven

  • ____________ first translated the Holy Quran in to Sindhi?
    1. Aakhund Azzizullah
    2. Abdullah Shah Ghazi
    3. Bulley Shah
    4. Bahauddin Zakkaria