• Lords of the Khyber is written by _________ ?
    1. Andre Joseph
    2. Kipling
    3. Yousuf Khan
    4. Andre Singer

  • World';s largest tribal society is ________ ?
    1. Pashtun
    2. Baloch
    3. Noro
    4. Afridi

  • How many Police ranges are in KPK?
    1. 7
    2. 4
    3. 8
    4. 3

  • The area of KPK is ?
    1. 98,421 sq.km
    2. 104,641 sq.km
    3. 107,521 sq.km
    4. 101,741 sq.km

  • Who was the first Chief Minister of KPK?
    1. Khan Abdul Qayyum Khan
    2. Sahibzada Zafar Ali Khan
    3. Abdul Ghafoor Hoti
    4. None of them

  • The capital of KPK is ________ ?
    1. Peshawar
    2. Abbotabad
    3. D.I.Khan
    4. None of them