• How many ODI matches Prime Minister Imran Khan has captained for Pakistan?
    1. 135
    2. 137
    3. 139
    4. None of these

  • Quid-e-Azam';s mother tongue was
    1. Gujarati
    2. Urdu
    3. Hindi
    4. none of these

  • Khalifa Harun-al-Rashid (786-809 AD) was able to extend the frontiers of Sindh on its
    1. Western side
    2. Northern side
    3. Eastern side
    4. None of these

  • What was name of Ubedullah sindhi before accepting of Islam?
    1. Tara Singh
    2. Raj Singh
    3. karak Singh
    4. Buta Singh

  • The ex-FATA will be given share from the divisible pool?
    1. 4pc
    2. 3pc
    3. 5pc
    4. None of the above

  • Which Governor General decided to make English as the medium of instruction in India ?
    1. Lord Canning
    2. Lord Wellselly
    3. Lord Harding
    4. Lord William Bentick

  • Which city is known as City of dates?
    1. Sukkur
    2. Panjgur
    3. Turbat
    4. D.G Khan

  • Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf was founded in ___________ ?
    1. March 23, 1995
    2. July 18, 1997
    3. April 25, 1996
    4. January 01,1999

  • How may gate are of Loyd Sukkur Barrage?
    1. 56
    2. 66
    3. 76
    4. None of these

  • ";Zakat and Usher Ordinance"; promulgated in___________?
    1. 1970
    2. 1980
    3. 1990
    4. 2000

  • The oldest Mughal monument in Pakistan is __________?
    1. Shalimar Garden
    2. Wazir Khan Mosque
    3. Kamran Baradari
    4. Grand Mosque Thatta

  • When British announced NWFP separating from Punjab?
    1. 1901
    2. 1932
    3. 1947
    4. None of these

  • What were the favourite sports of the Quaid-i-Azam?
    1. Cricket
    2. Billiards
    3. Both A & B
    4. Polo

  • Hub dam was opened in which year?
    1. 1981
    2. 1982
    3. 1983
    4. 1984

  • Pakistan';s largest mosque Grand Jamia Mosque Bahria Town-Karachi is architected by________?
    1. Aslam Ali Dada
    2. Allah Dino Sahib
    3. Rahib Nawaz Alam
    4. Nayyar Ali Dada

  • Agha Khan University was established in _________?
    1. 1983
    2. 1985
    3. 1984
    4. None of these

  • National Anthem of Pakistan was officially adopted in ___________?
    1. 1947
    2. 1948
    3. 1954
    4. None of the Above

  • Wafaqui Mohtasib was created in which year?
    1. 1981
    2. 1982
    3. 1983
    4. 1984

  • On July 9, 1948, Pakistan issued its first: __________?
    1. Coin
    2. Currency note
    3. Postal stamp
    4. All of these

  • The “UN Resolution 47” is related to which of the following?
    1. Resolution on Imperialism and colonialism
    2. Resolution on Jammu and Kashmir
    3. Resolution on Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).
    4. ALL of these

  • Total number of seats in National Assembly of Pakistan are ____________?
    1. 306
    2. 326
    3. 336
    4. 342

  • The Second Operation in Swat against Taliban in 2009 was called?
    1. Operation RAH E HAQ
    2. Operation RAHE RASAT
    3. Operation ZARBE AZAB
    4. None of these

  • The First Operation in Swat against Taliban in 2007 was called?
    1. Operation RAH E HAQ
    2. Operation RAHE RASAT
    3. Operation ZARBE AZAB
    4. None of these

  • The British Governor General and Viceroy who served for the longest period in India was__________?
    1. Lord Irwin
    2. Warren Hastings
    3. Lord Curzon
    4. None of these

  • How many delegates were invited by British Government for the First Round Table Conference?
    1. 35
    2. 57
    3. 77
    4. 71