• What is total length of Pak-Iran border?
    1. 900 km
    2. 1000 km
    3. 1100 km
    4. 909 km

  • What is total length of LOC?
    1. 911 km
    2. 916 km
    3. 829 km
    4. 861 km

  • What is the length of Pakistan China border?
    1. 605 km
    2. 500 km
    3. 599 km
    4. None of these

  • Which place is called the "; Jewel of Hindukush";?
    1. Balakot
    2. Hazara
    3. Mardan
    4. Chitral

  • The Length of Pakistan and Afghanistan border is __________?
    1. 2100 Km
    2. 2352 Km
    3. 2611 Km
    4. None of these

  • The Government of India Act 1935 was passed in Aug 1935. When was the act enforced?
    1. 1937
    2. 1938
    3. 1939
    4. 1936

  • In Indus water Treaty Ravi, Beas and sitlaj river was given to which country?
    1. India
    2. Pakistan
    3. China
    4. None of these

  • Who was first Minister for Ministry of Religious Affairs, Pakistan?
    1. AK Brohi
    2. Syed Khursheed Ahmed Shah
    3. Maulana Kausar Niazi
    4. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

  • Who discovered first of all a direct route to India in 1498 ?
    1. John Watts
    2. Jorge White
    3. Vasco da Gama
    4. John Mildenhall

  • Who is called ';The Parrot of India';?
    1. Amir Khusro
    2. Mohammad Bin Qasim
    3. Raja Dahir
    4. Mohammad Ghaznvi

  • Pakistan bought Gawadar port from Oman in 1958 who was the prime minister at that time?
    1. Muhammad Ali Bogra
    2. Malik Feroz Khan Noon
    3. Ch Muhammad Ali
    4. None of these

  • “Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah The story of a Nation” Is a biography of Quaid-e-Azam written-by ________?
    1. L.Hemilton
    2. K.K Aziz
    3. G Allana
    4. None of above

  • ";Moslem Nationalism in India and Pakistan"; is written by ________?
    1. Sharifdin Pirzada
    2. Malik Hafeez
    3. Bertrand Russell
    4. None Of Above

  • ";Evolution of Pakistan"; is written by : __________?
    1. Syed Sharifuddin Pirzada
    2. Shabana Tabasum
    3. Nazir Yar Jung
    4. None Of Them

  • ";Incomplete Partition"; is written by: __________ ?
    1. K.K Aziz
    2. Gulzar Ahmed
    3. Alastair Lamb
    4. Lewis Carrol

  • Tanaza Dam is a small dam located at about 35 km south-west of ________?
    1. Rawalpindi
    2. Quetta
    3. Skardu
    4. Gilgit

  • The Famous Book ";The Daughter of the East"; is written by ______________?
    1. G Allana
    2. KK Aziz
    3. Ayesha Jalal
    4. Benazir Bhutto

  • Book ";Jinnah of Pakistan"; is written by ___________?
    1. Plato
    2. Stanley Wolpert
    3. Richard Nixon
    4. None of these

  • A History Of Pakistan Was Written By__________?
    1. Em Forster
    2. Octavio.Paz
    3. Gankovsky YV
    4. Kushwant Singh

  • Who was the main architect of the joint session meeting of Congress and Muslim League in Lucknow in 1916?
    1. Allama Muhammad Iqbal
    2. Shibli Nomani
    3. Muhammad Ali Jinnah
    4. Zafar Ali Khan

  • The basis of ideology of Pakistan is: _________?
    1. Equality
    2. Islam
    3. Caste
    4. Sovereignty

  • Which Slave Ruler Died While Playing Polo?
    1. Qutb-ud-Aibak
    2. Aram Shah
    3. Shams-ud-Din Iltutmish
    4. Rukn-ud-Din Feroz

  • Who was founder of Muslim political party Majlis-e-Ahrar-e-slam?
    1. Attah ulla Mengel
    2. Syed Attah Ullah Shah Bukhari
    3. Agha Ali
    4. Haji Shariat Ullah

  • Al-Firdusi and Al-Beruni flourished in the reign of __________?
    1. Mohammad Bin Qasim
    2. Mahmud of Ghazni
    3. Jahangeer
    4. Akbar

  • What was the original name of Sultan Siraj Doullah ?