• Largest District of AJk by area is__________?
    1. Poonch District
    2. Muzaffarabad District
    3. Neelum District
    4. None of these

  • Number of District in Azad Jammu Kashmir?
    1. 7
    2. 9
    3. 10
    4. None of these

  • How many members were in the Committee of Basic Principles?
    1. 20
    2. 22
    3. 24
    4. 26

  • How many Ulema from diffrent shades of union participated a convention that gave 22 Points in 1951?
    1. 11
    2. 21
    3. 31
    4. 41

  • Which of the following only country did not pull out from SAARC 19th Conference scheduled in November 2016 in Islamabad (Pak)?
    1. Srilanka
    2. Bangladesh
    3. Nepal
    4. Maldives

  • Who gave suggestion for formation of SAARC?
    1. Shaikh Mujeeb ur Rehman
    2. Ziaur Rehman
    3. Colonel Al-Gaddafi
    4. Gen Zia ul Haq

  • Who is considered the first poet of Pashto Language?
    1. Khushal Khan Khatak
    2. Ameer Kror
    3. Rahman Baba
    4. None of these

  • In which province Tanda Dam is located?
    1. Sindh
    2. Punjab
    3. Balochistan
    4. KPK

  • On which river the Mirani dam was constructed?
    1. Gomal River
    2. Dashat River
    3. Kabul River
    4. Indus River

  • The book "; Pakistan: the Formative Phase"; was written by__________?
    1. K. K. Aziz
    2. Khalid Bin Saeed
    3. Aitzaz Ahsan
    4. Syed Ameer Ali

  • G.T Road was constructed by __________?
    1. Altimush
    2. Muhammad Taghluq
    3. Feroz Taghluq
    4. Sher Shah Suri

  • Which city of Sindh is famous for ';Pallo'; (Fish)?
    1. Dadu
    2. Jamshoro
    3. Hala
    4. Sukkur

  • The book "; The Sole Spokesman: Jinnah the Muslim and Demand for Pakistan"; was written by___________?
    1. Umera Ahmed
    2. Ayesha Jalal
    3. Liaquat Ali Khan
    4. Aitzaz Ahsan

  • The book "; Friends not Masters"; was written by____________?
    1. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
    2. Liaquat Ali Khan
    3. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
    4. General Ayoub Khan

  • In which of the following Act or reforms the dyarchy was abolished?
    1. Minto-Morley Reforms
    2. Montegu-Chelmsford Reforms
    3. India Act of 1935
    4. None of These

  • When and where did Haji Shariatullah born?
    1. Faridpur 1767
    2. Faridpur 1781
    3. Sylhet 1767
    4. Sylhet 1768

  • Chishti Order (Silsilah) was founded in 940 AD by_________?
    1. Shaikh Bahauddin Zakriya
    2. Khawaja Abu Ishaq Shami
    3. Shaikh Abu Al Najib
    4. Shaikh Ahmed Sirhindi

  • When did Imam Shah Waliullah born?
    1. 21 January 1703
    2. 21 February 1703
    3. 21 March 1703
    4. 21 April 1703

  • When did PTV start its colour transmission?
    1. 1974
    2. 1975
    3. 1976
    4. 1977

  • Karakoram highway is also known as___________?
    1. N-655
    2. N-35
    3. N-25
    4. N-135

  • The only country with which Pakistan shares a maritime border (not the land border) is__________?
    1. Iran
    2. Oman
    3. UAE
    4. Saudi Arabia

  • Maulana Muhammad Ali Jouhar wrote the constitution of the Muslim League, known as the_________?
    1. Jouhar';s Book
    2. League';s Book
    3. Green Book
    4. None of these

  • When was the Historic Quaid-i-Azam Ziarat Residency was set alight in an arson attack by militants?
    1. June 15, 2013
    2. June 15, 2014
    3. June 15, 2015
    4. June 15, 2016

  • The ";Treaty of Friendship"; was signed in 1951 between?
    1. Pakistan and Afghanistan
    2. Pakistan and Saudi Arabia
    3. Pakistan and Iran
    4. Pakistan and China

  • The books ";The Murder of History";, ";The Pakistani Historian"; and ";Britain and Muslim India were written by________?
    1. Khalid Bin Sayeed
    2. Chudary Muhammad Ali
    3. I.I Qureshi
    4. K.K Aziz