• When NADRA was established?
    1. March 10, 2000
    2. August 10, 2001
    3. October 20, 2002
    4. December 20, 2002

  • where is Kalash valley?
    1. KPK
    2. Sindh
    3. Balochistan
    4. Punjab

  • Who were the founders of Khilafat movement?
    1. Quaid e Azam & Allama Iqbal
    2. Liaqat Ali & Agha khan
    3. Ch Rahmat Ali & Mohammad Hassan
    4. Ali brothers

  • Hassan Ali Effendi established ";Sindh Muhammaden Association"; on the Advice of_________?
    1. Quid-e-Azam
    2. G.M.Bhurgiri
    3. Justice Syed Ameer Ali
    4. Molana Ubaidullah Sindhi

  • Shah Abdul Latif';s Risalo was 1st published by Dr.Earnest Trump from?
    1. Paris
    2. Leipzig
    3. Bombay
    4. London

  • A Committee consisting of how many members was set up to draft the constitution of the Muslim League?
    1. 50
    2. 30
    3. 70
    4. 60

  • When the People of Gilgit Baltistan had won liberation from Dogra rule in with help of Gilgit Scouts?
    1. 1946
    2. 1947
    3. 1948
    4. 1949

  • Which Article of Pakistan constitution 1973 provides freedom of the Press and freedom of the expression?
    1. 20
    2. 19
    3. 18
    4. 17

  • Under Yahya’s LFO (Legal Framework Order), what option National Assembly had if it couldn’t frame the constitution within 120 days?
    1. Dissolved automatically
    2. President will dissolve it
    3. Extension in time frame
    4. None of these

  • In which Constitution of Pakistan, the Ministers were neither members of the parliament nor answerable to Parliament?
    1. 1956
    2. 1962
    3. 1973
    4. None of these

  • When the Province of NWFP was set up?
    1. 1901
    2. 1897
    3. 1898
    4. 1905

  • Who was the first Inspector General (IG) of Punjab Police ?
    1. Mian Anwar Ali
    2. A.B. Awan
    3. S.N Alam
    4. Qurban Ali Khan

  • The main occupation of the people of the Indus valley civilization was_____________?
    1. Agriculture
    2. Cattle rearing
    3. Hunting
    4. Trade

  • The Indus valley people knew the use of______________?
    1. Gold, Silver, Copper, Bronze but not iron
    2. Silver, Iron, Gold but not Bronze
    3. Silver, lead, Iron but not gold
    4. Gold, Tin, Bronze but not copper

  • Rice cultivation is associated with Harappan site of_____________?
    1. Kalibangan
    2. Harappa
    3. Ropar
    4. Lothal

  • Indus Valley Civilization was spread over____________?
    1. Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, Afghanistan
    2. Along Indus river
    3. Punjab, Sindh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Gujarat
    4. Sindh, Punjab, Jammu and Kashmir, U.P, Rajasthan, Gujarat

  • The famous figure of a dancing girl found in the excavations of Harappa was made up of__________?
    1. Terracotta
    2. Steatite
    3. Bronze
    4. Red limestone

  • The Great Granary of the Indus Valley Civilization has been discovered at____________?
    1. Harappa
    2. Mohenjodaro
    3. Kalibangan
    4. Lothal

  • The Great Bath of the Indus Valley Civilization was discovered in___________?
    1. Harappa
    2. Lothal
    3. Mohenjodaro
    4. Ropar

  • The Indus Valley Civilization belongs to the_____________?
    1. Neolithic age
    2. Palaeolithic age
    3. Chalcolithic age
    4. Mesolithic age

  • The tools and weapons of Harappan Civilization were mostly made of______________?
    1. Stone only
    2. Stone and copper
    3. Copper, bronze and Iron
    4. Copper, tin and bronze

  • There are similarities between the seals found at Mohenjodaro and__________?
    1. Egypt
    2. China
    3. Sumeria
    4. Afghanistan

  • Which of the following distinguishes the Harappan from other contemporary civilizations of the world?
    1. Science and technology
    2. Religion and social structure
    3. Town planning and drainage
    4. Uniform weights and measures

  • From which one of the following sites, was the famous Bull-seal of Indus Valley found?
    1. Harappa
    2. Chanhudaro
    3. Lothal
    4. Mohenjodaro

  • When The National Olympic Committee for Pakistan was created in _______?
    1. 1948
    2. 1950
    3. 1952
    4. 1954