• Which of the following fort was formally known as Fort Ahmadabad?
    1. Attock fort
    2. Kot Diji
    3. Lahore fort
    4. None of these

  • Darawar fort was built by Sadiq Muhammad khan. It is near _______?
    1. Abbotabad
    2. Bahawalpur
    3. Thatta
    4. Lahore

  • Which of the following fort was built by Akbar?
    1. Attock fort
    2. Lahore fort
    3. Kot Diji
    4. A and B
    5. All of the above

  • Wazir khan mosque is in _________?
    1. Abbotabad
    2. Lahore
    3. Rawalpindi
    4. Islamabad

  • Shah Jehan mosque was built by shah Jehan. It is in which district of sindh?
    1. Badin
    2. Thatta
    3. Dadu
    4. Khairpur

  • Which Turkish designer designed the biggest mosque of Pakistan?
    1. Bora Aksu
    2. Vedat Dalokay
    3. Mustafa Aslanturk
    4. Ivana sert

  • Badshahi mosque is in Lahore built by ________ in 1673
    1. Akbar
    2. Aurangzeb
    3. Mahabat khan
    4. Shah Jehan

  • The local ascents of Sindhi are ________?
    1. Lari and Thari
    2. Kachi
    3. Waehali
    4. Kathiwari
    5. All of the above

  • Sindhi letters of alphabet were prepared by __________?
    1. Muhammad Quli Qutab Shah
    2. Aben-al-Hassan
    3. Abdullah Sultan
    4. Shahid Nazeer

  • The oldest language in Pakistan is _________?
    1. Urdu
    2. Sindhi
    3. Pashto
    4. Balochi

  • Pushto letters of alphabet were prepared by _________?
    1. Afzal Hussain
    2. Saifullah
    3. Ahmad shahzad
    4. Abdullah khan

  • Urdu is a _________ word?
    1. Persian
    2. Turkish
    3. Arabic
    4. Hindi

  • The first published urdu book is _______?
    1. Pir-e-Kamil
    2. Dan Majlis
    3. Aab-e-hayat
    4. None of these

  • First recorded poetry in urdu was by ________?
    1. Amir-u-din kidwai
    2. Amir khusro
    3. Sir Fazal-ur-Rehman
    4. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

  • How many percentage of Pakistani can speak or understand urdu?
    1. More than 50%
    2. More than 70%
    3. More than 95%
    4. More than 80%

  • Almost how many languages are spoken in Pakistan?
    1. 10
    2. 20
    3. 30
    4. 50

  • Most spoken language of Pakistan is _________?
    1. Sindhi
    2. Punjabi
    3. English
    4. Urdu

  • If PM of Pakistan wants a bill to be passed.It is necessary to get bill approved from ______?
    1. National Assembly of Pakistan
    2. Senate of Pakistan
    3. President of Pakistan
    4. All of the above

  • Who works as acting PM of Pakistan in the absence of PM?
    1. Senate chairman
    2. Speaker national assembly
    3. CJP
    4. President

  • Who works as acting president of Pakistan in abscense of president?
    1. Speaker national assembly
    2. Senate chairman
    3. CJP
    4. Deputy president

  • In what condition the opposition may declare a vote of no confidence against PM in national assembly of Pakistan?
    1. If PM is Mentally sick
    2. If PM is physically unwell
    3. If PM is violating the Constitution
    4. If PM conspires against country with another state
    5. All of the above

  • Who leads the sessions of national assembly of Pakistan under the president ship of the speaker?
    1. President
    2. PM
    3. Opposition leader
    4. Deputy speaker

  • Who is responsible to appoint all the highest officials of the government, such as CJP and other judges, chief of armed forces, attorney General, members of various institutions.
    1. PM
    2. President
    3. Cabinet
    4. All of the above

  • Who has the power to grant pardons or commute sentences passed by any court or Tribunal in Pakistan?
    1. PM
    2. President
    3. CJP
    4. Chief of armed force

  • All bills passed by the parliament of Pakistan are not approved until signed by _________?
    1. PM
    2. President
    3. CJP
    4. Chairman Senate