• The first Chief of Staff of Pak Army was ________ ?
    1. General Tikka Khan
    2. General Ziaul Haq
    3. General Sharif
    4. General Ayub Khan

  • Paery Cane was the first C-in-C of ___________.
    1. Pakistan Air Force
    2. Armed Forces
    3. Navy
    4. None of them

  • Frank Meseri was the first C-in-C of ________ .
    1. Pak Army
    2. Air Force
    3. Navy
    4. None of them

  • Who was the first C-in-C of Pakistan Navy?
    1. Gefford James
    2. R.L Archy
    3. Frank Meseri
    4. None of them

  • KRL Stands for:
    1. Khan Research Laboratories
    2. Kahuta Research Laboratory
    3. Karachi Research Laboratories
    4. None of them

  • GHQ Stands for:
    1. General Head Quarters
    2. General High Quarters
    3. General High Quartermaster
    4. None of them

  • What is the total area of ICT?
    1. 906 Sq Km
    2. 1106 Sq Km
    3. 1006 Sq Km
    4. 1206 Sq Km

  • What is the total area of FATA?
    1. 27,220 Sq Km
    2. 40,914 Sq Km
    3. 347,190 Sq Km
    4. 205,344 Sq Km

  • What is the total area of Sindh Province?
    1. 74,521 Sq Km
    2. 140,914 Sq Km
    3. 347,190 Sq Km
    4. 205,344 Sq Km

  • What is the total area of Balochistan Province?
    1. 74,521 Sq Km
    2. 40,914 Sq Km
    3. 347,190 Sq Km
    4. 205,344 Sq Km

  • Mirpur is a famous city of?
    1. KPK
    2. Punjab
    3. Azad Kashmir
    4. None of them

  • Who was the First woman Governor of State Bank of Pakistan?
    1. Noor Jahan
    2. Dr Shamshad Akhter
    3. Farzana Raja
    4. Dr Ashraf Abbasi

  • When was Liaquat Nehru Pact between India and Pakistan signed?
    1. 1950
    2. 1955
    3. 1964
    4. 1951

  • Which country assisted Pakistan in the construction of Sandak Project?
    1. Iran
    2. Saudi Arabia
    3. Afghanistan
    4. China

  • The Kargil incident happened in?
    1. 1998
    2. 1997
    3. 1999
    4. 2000

  • In which year was OIC founded?
    1. 1970
    2. 1975
    3. 1980
    4. 1969

  • Which city of Pakistan held the OIC Conference in 1997?
    1. Lahore
    2. Islamabad
    3. Karachi
    4. Peshawar

  • Identify the largest cantonment of Pakistan?
    1. Kharian Cantt
    2. Quetta Cantt
    3. Okara Cantt
    4. Karachi Cantt

  • Shakarparrian is situated in?
    1. Islamabad
    2. Rawalpindi
    3. Murree
    4. Peshawar

  • Where is Warsak Dam of Pakistan situated?
    1. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
    2. Punjab
    3. Sindh
    4. Balochistan

  • National code of Pakistan is?
    1. PAK
    2. PK
    3. PAK 1
    4. None of them

  • Sardar Abdur Rub Nishtar was the Governor of?
    1. Gilgit Baltistan
    2. KPK
    3. Punjab
    4. Sindh

  • Who inaugurated the State Bank of Pakistan?
    1. Quaid-e-Azam
    2. Malik Ghulam Muhammad
    3. Liaquat Ali Khan
    4. Allama Muhammad Iqbal