• The 2018 study shows: How many Pakistani do not know what the Internet is?
    1. 69pc
    2. 79pc
    3. 59pc
    4. 49pc

  • The 2018 study shows: How many percent Pakistan own a mobile of some kind?
    1. 57pc
    2. 67pc
    3. 77pc
    4. 47pc

  • Zainab Bibi, the tallest woman declared by the Guinness Book of World Records in _____ died on July 19.
    1. 1997
    2. 2001
    3. 2003
    4. 2007

  • The 2018 study shows__________ million active cellular subscribers mentioned on Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) website?
    1. 180 million
    2. 153 million
    3. 162 million
    4. 190 million

  • Arif Alvi sworn in as 13th President of Pakistan on___________ ?
    1. September 4, 2018
    2. September 6, 2018
    3. September 8, 2018
    4. September 9, 2018

  • How much Pakistan has managed to secure duty-free market access into China?
    1. $1 billion
    2. $2 billion
    3. $3 billion
    4. $4 billion

  • Which country Foreign Minister Abdulaziz Kamilov arrived in Islamabad on 01-11-2018 for a one-day visit.
    1. Kazakhstan
    2. Uzbekistan
    3. Tajikstan
    4. Azerbijan

  • When Pime Minister Imran Khan visited Beijing on his first official visit to China at the invitation of the Chinese leadership?
    1. November 1, 2018
    2. November 2, 2018
    3. November 4, 2018
    4. November 6, 2018

  • What will be the worth of two way bus ticket, which will travel between Lahore and Tashkurgan in China?
    1. Rs 17000
    2. Rs 20000
    3. Rs 23000
    4. Rs 24000

  • From how many Countries over one hundred parliamentarians participated in the Asian Parliamentary Assembly (APA) three day conference held in Gawadar in Oct, 2018?
    1. 20
    2. 24
    3. 26
    4. 32

  • Where the three-day Conference of Asian Parliamentary Assembly';s Standing Committee on Political Affairs and the Special Committee for the Creation of an Asian Parliament held?
    1. Islamabad
    2. Karachi
    3. Gawadar
    4. Lahore

  • _____________ annual Urs of Hazrat Ali Hajveri, also knows as Data Ganj Bakhsh was celebrated in October,2018
    1. 974th
    2. 975th
    3. 976th
    4. 977th

  • Recently on October 28, 2018; Pakistan first ever white wash against which cricket team?
    1. New Zealand
    2. Australia
    3. South Africa
    4. England

  • The Pakistan Citizens Portal (PCP) has been connected to ____________ of government offices in the federal capital and provinces through internet to receive people';s complaints and transmit them to the officials concerned?
    1. 80%
    2. 90%
    3. 60%
    4. 70%

  • Prime Minister Imran Khan launched the Pakistan Citizens Portal on___________?
    1. October 29, 2018
    2. October 28, 2018
    3. October 27, 2018
    4. October 26, 2018

  • At which river the first hydropower investment project of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), the Karot Hydro power Station is being Constructed?
    1. Jhelum
    2. Chanab
    3. Kabul
    4. Indus

  • The joint military training exercise ‘Druzhba -III’ has started between following countries?
    1. India and Afghanistan
    2. Russia and Pakistan
    3. United States and Israel
    4. India and Bangladesh

  • Which Portal has been set up at Prime minister';s office with an aim to timely address problems of the people and get their feedback?
    1. Pakistan Problems portal
    2. Pakistan citizen portal
    3. Pakistan rozgar portal
    4. None of above

  • What is name of a young Pakistani boy who has won the performance of reciting Qirat of Qura’n in the world Qira’t competition-2018?
    1. Mohammad Hassan
    2. None of these

  • Which Country business private jet claimed to be entered Islamabad on 24 Oct, 2018, but government of Pakistan has rejected assertion of a journalist?
    1. India
    2. Afghanistan
    3. Israel
    4. America

  • How many members body on South Punjab creation formed by CM Punjab?
    1. 9
    2. 10
    3. 11
    4. 12

  • How many persons exposed by FIA who own properties in UAE?
    1. 44
    2. 45
    3. 46
    4. 48

  • Who was awarded by UN Human rights award 2018 ?
    1. Asma Jahangir
    2. Malala Yousaf Zai
    3. Andres Roemer

  • Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) sets up offices in which Countries in October 2018?
    1. Iran and Greece
    2. Saudi Arabia and UAE
    3. European countries
    4. Turkey and Egypt

  • Who is the Chairman of Newly established PCB’s four-member cricket Committee?
    1. Wasim Akram
    2. Mohsin Khan
    3. Javid Miandad
    4. Waqar Younis