• The Parliament passed a bill to convert PIA into a public limited company on?
    1. 05 March 2016
    2. 11 March 2016
    3. 05 April 2016
    4. 11 April 2016

  • The president of China on his visit to Pakistan signed development projects of worth __________ billions?
    1. $40
    2. $46
    3. $50
    4. $54

  • The proposed motorway from Gawadar to Kashghar is about __________ km?
    1. 2600
    2. 2800
    3. 3000
    4. 3200

  • International Court of Arbitration sets minimum flow of __________ m3/sec into the Neelum River.
    1. 5
    2. 7
    3. 9
    4. 11

  • The Installed Capacity of Neelum–Jhelum Hydropower Plant is __________ MW?
    1. 948
    2. 955
    3. 962
    4. 969

  • Diamer-Bhasha Dam has been planned on the river _________?
    1. Indus
    2. Jhelum
    3. Chenab
    4. Sutlej

  • Dasu Dam is located in __________?
    1. Sindh
    2. Punjab
    3. Baluchistan
    4. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

  • Salt Mine, Khewra is located in _________ district?
    1. Jhelum
    2. DG Khan
    3. DI Khan
    4. Gujrat

  • Standard and Poor';s (S&P) on 5 May 2015 has raised Pakistan';s credit rating outlook from?
    1. negative to stable
    2. negative to stable+
    3. stable to positive
    4. stable to positive+

  • The Head Office of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan (ICAP) is in __________?
    1. Karachi
    2. Lahore
    3. Islamabad
    4. Rawalpindi

  • The GSP Plus status to Pakistan has been granted till __________?
    1. 2015
    2. 2017
    3. 2019
    4. 2021

  • The first session of All India Muslim League was presided over by _________?
    1. Sir Saleemullah
    2. Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk
    3. Sir Aga Khan
    4. Sir Adamjee Pir Bhai

  • The first president of All India Muslim League were __________?
    1. Sir Saleemullah
    2. Nawab Waqar-ul-Mulk
    3. Sir Aga Khan
    4. Sir Adamjee Pir Bhai

  • The GSP Plus status will allow Pakistan to export products without duties to __________ European States?
    1. 25
    2. 26
    3. 27
    4. 28

  • The largest source of electricity generation in Pakistan is __________?
    1. Thermal
    2. Hydal
    3. Wind
    4. Solar

  • The Jhimpir Wind Power Plant is located in __________ district.
    1. Karachi
    2. Badin
    3. Thatta
    4. Khuzdar

  • Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband was founded by __________?
    1. Maulana Mehmood-ul-Hassan
    2. Maulana Hussain Ahmed Madni
    3. Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanautawi
    4. Maulana Rasheed Ahmed

  • Sindh Madrasah-tul-Islam, Karachi was founded by _____________?
    1. Aga Hassan Ali Effendi
    2. Sir Aga Khan
    3. Khalifa Hameeduddin
    4. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

  • The objective resolution of Pakistan was passed on____________?
    1. March 12, 1948
    2. August 12, 1948
    3. March 12, 1949
    4. August 12, 1949

  • Muhammad Ali Bogra';s formula was presented to the constituent assembly on __________?
    1. March 7, 1952
    2. October 7, 1952
    3. March 7, 1953
    4. October 7, 1953

  • _________allowed East India Company to reside and build factories inSurat
    1. Jahangir
    2. Humayun
    3. Akbar
    4. Shah Jahan

  • The constitution of 1973 was came into effect on __________?
    1. March 12, 1973
    2. March 23, 1973
    3. August 14, 1973
    4. September 06, 1973

  • A total of __________ amendments to the constitution of 1973 have been passed by the Parliament?
    1. 21
    2. 23
    3. 25
    4. 26

  • Faisal Mosque was built by a/an ____________architect?
    1. Saudi
    2. Turkish
    3. American
    4. French

  • Tarbela Dam is located in district___________?
    1. Wazirabad
    2. Jhelum
    3. Mirpur
    4. Haripur