• India made a cowardly attack on Lahore which resulted as war between two countries. When this war broke out?
    1. 9th Sep 1965
    2. 7th Sep 1965
    3. 8th Sep 1965
    4. 6th Sep 1965

  • After the war of 1965 which pact was signed between India and Pakistan?
    1. Bilateral Pact
    2. Tashkant Pact
    3. Moscow Pact
    4. Soviet Pact

  • Who represented Pakistan in Tashkant Meeting?
    1. Gen. Ayub Khan
    2. Gen. Yahya Khan
    3. Mr. Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto
    4. Gen. Iskander Mirza

  • When PPP was established?
    1. October 1967
    2. August 1967
    3. November 1967
    4. December 1967

  • Which incident took place in 1971 which provided India chance to attack on Pakistan?
    1. Attack on Indian parliament
    2. Indian drama of hijacking their own plane
    3. Skirmishes on Border
    4. All of them

  • Two indian agents pretending to be Kashmiris hijecked an indian plane on day__________?
    1. 27 Jan 1971
    2. 28 Jan 1971
    3. 29 Jan 1971
    4. 30 Jan 1971

  • What was the name of Indian plane that was hijacked in 1971?
    1. Ganga
    2. Jamna
    3. Bangla
    4. Lanka

  • When East Pakistan separated from West Pakistan?
    1. 26th December 1971
    2. 22nd December 1971
    3. 16th December 1971
    4. 19th December 1971

  • India recognized the provisional Government of Bangladesh on?
    1. December 6, 1971
    2. December 16, 1971
    3. January 1, 1972
    4. December 18, 1971

  • What was the main difficulty which delayed the constitution making in Pakistan?
    1. Exact nature of the State
    2. Lack of intererst among members of the Constituent Assembly
    3. The distribution of powers between Federal and Provincial Governments
    4. Corrupt administration

  • The largest chunk of Punjab Government';s Budget (1999-2000) went to the social sector. Which field got the lion';s share?
    1. Industry
    2. Health
    3. Education
    4. Housing and Roads

  • Governor -; General Ghulam Muhammad dismissed the Prime Minister Kh. Nazimuddin on April 19, 1953 due to?
    1. Prime Minister Kh. Nazimuddin proved to be incompetent to grapple with the difficulties faced by the country
    2. Patronage of corruption
    3. Vote of no -; confidence was passed in the Consituent Assembly
    4. Political tension created by partisan appeal

  • Who had the shortest tenure as Governor General of Pakistan?
    1. Maj-Gen (R) Iskandar Mirza
    2. Ghulam Muhammad
    3. Kh. Nazimmuddin
    4. Muhammad Ali Jinnah

  • Which country is situated in the east of Pakistan?
    1. China
    2. India
    3. Afghanistan
    4. Iran

  • The Objective Resolution of March 12, 1949 was passed by the Constituent Assemble with what significance?
    1. It is a Magna Carta of the constitutional history of Pakistan
    2. It does not provide solution to economic problems of the people
    3. It mixes religion with politics
    4. It makes working of the Government complicated

  • An agreement for cooperation was sighned during Turkish President Kennan Everno';s visit to pakistan in Feb 1980 in the field of?
    1. Defence production
    2. Tourism
    3. Research and Development
    4. Shipping

  • Sindh Muslim League passed on of the following resolutions in 1938?
    1. Federalism to continue
    2. Muslims to join other communities for political progress
    3. Concentration on education
    4. Resolved to have division of India on the basis of Two Nation Theory

  • How many times did squash player Jansher Khan win World Open?
    1. 6
    2. 7
    3. 8
    4. 9

  • Which Pakistani Prime Minister received Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee when he arrived by bus to Lahore?
    1. Nawaz Sharif
    2. Benzair Bhutto
    3. Shujat Hussain
    4. Shaukat Aziz

  • When did Pakistan become a Republic?
    1. 14/8/1947
    2. 23/3/1956
    3. 16/12/1971
    4. 12/10/1999

  • Who succeeded Zia Ul Haque as President of Pakistan?
    1. Rafiq Tarar
    2. Farooq Ahmed Khan Leghari
    3. Ghulam Ishaq Khan
    4. Benzair Bhutto

  • Who was the first governor general of Pakistan?
    1. Quaid e Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
    2. Iskander Mirza
    3. Khawaja Nazimuddin
    4. Ghulam Muhammad

  • Pakistan opened its first embassy in___________?
    1. China
    2. Afghanistan
    3. Iran
    4. India

  • First head of state to visit Pakistan in 1947 was__________?
    1. Ameer of Kuwait
    2. Ameer of Saudi Arabia
    3. Ameer of Iran
    4. None of these

  • India stopped the passage of water from the rivers Ravi and Sutluj in________?
    1. April 1948
    2. February 1948
    3. March 1948
    4. June 1948