• National Party chief Senator Mir Hasil Khan Bizenjo passed away in Karachi on_____________?
    1. 20th August 2020
    2. 25th August 2020
    3. 19th August 2020
    4. 26th August 2020

  • Which country has provided 12 T16 high-tech drones to help Pakistan combating locusts?
    1. US
    2. Turkey
    3. China
    4. Russia

  • Who is the Current Leader of the House in Senate of Pakistan ?
    1. Shahzad Waseem
    2. Raja Zafarul Haq
    3. Shibli Faraz
    4. Ahtazaz ahsan

  • Who is the Current CEO of Pakistan Steel Mills?
    1. Engineer Ashiq Ali
    2. Brig (r) Shujah Hassan
    3. Sher Alam Mehsud
    4. None

  • The Pakistan- China fiber optic is an 820- kilometer-long optic cable project from _______ to Khunjerab
    1. Peshawar
    2. Quetta
    3. Karachi
    4. Rawalpindi

  • President Alvi confers ____________ to Kashmiri leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani on 14th August 2020?
    1. Sitara-i-Imtiaz
    2. Nishan-i-Imtiaz
    3. Nishan-e-Haider
    4. Nishan-e-Pakistan

  • PM Imran Khan announced; __________ will be celebrated as the Tiger Force Day?
    1. August 5
    2. August 9
    3. August 16
    4. None of these

  • The handing over ceremony of the Al Khalid-I tank was held at ____________?
    1. Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT)
    2. Pakistan Ordance Factory Wah Cantt
    3. China
    4. Ukraine

  • Battle tank Al Khalid-I has been developed in collaboration with _______ and ________?
    1. China and France
    2. China and Turkey
    3. Turkey and Ukraine
    4. China and Ukraine

  • The Pak Army has upgraded the version of _______ tank known as ________?
    1. Al Zarar and Al Zarar-I
    2. Type 59 and Type 59-I
    3. Al Khalid and Al Khalid-I
    4. None of these

  • Pakistan will give the country';s prestigious award (Sitara-e-Quaid-i-azam) to a which famous Turkish professor for his work to promote Urdu?
    1. Prof. Usman Balta
    2. Prof. Mehmet Balta
    3. Prof. Celal Soydan
    4. Prof. Usman Sahin

  • President of Pakistan Dr Arif Alvi conferred Pakistan’s civil awards to __________ Pakistanis and foreigners in recognition of their services to Pakistan on 14 August, 2020?
    1. 180
    2. 184
    3. 188
    4. None of these

  • BRT stands for:_____________?
    1. Blue Rapid Transport
    2. Best Road Transportation
    3. Bus Rapid Transit
    4. Best Road Transit

  • PM Imran Khan Inaugurated Peshawar BRT on__________August, 2020?
    1. 11th August, 2020
    2. 12th August, 2020
    3. 13th August, 2020
    4. 14th August, 2020

  • Government launched Ehsaas Nash-o-Numa programme on _____________?
    1. 11 August 2020
    2. 12 August 2020
    3. 13 August 2020
    4. None of these

  • Pm Imran Khan has inaugurated ";Roshan Pakistan Digital Account"; for overseas Pakistani on_________?
    1. 10 Sept 2020
    2. 11 Sept 2020
    3. 9 Sept 2020
    4. None of the above

  • “Tiger Force Day” was celebrated on ___________?
    1. 5th August 2020
    2. 7th August 2020
    3. 9th August 2020
    4. None of these

  • The 660kV Matiari-Lahore HVDC Transmission line being built at a cost of $1.6 billion is_________km long.
    1. 686
    2. 786
    3. 886
    4. 986

  • The current test series being played between Pakistan and England in Aug, 2020 is the________test series between the two countries.
    1. 24th
    2. 25th
    3. 26th
    4. 27th

  • On Aug 07,2020 PM Imran Khan launched the Ravi Urban Development Project under which Ravi City would be created north of lahore near the Ravi river at a cost of_________?
    1. Rs4 Trillion
    2. Rs5 Trillion
    3. Rs8 Trillion
    4. Rs10 Trillion

  • Pakistan observed ‘Youm-e-Istehsal-e-Kashmir’ (Day of Exploitation in occupied Kashmir) on____________?
    1. 3rd August
    2. 5th August
    3. 8th August
    4. None of Above

  • Pakistan PM Imran Khan unveiled a new “political map of Pakistan” that counts ____________ as part of Pakistan?
    1. Jammu and Kashmir
    2. Junagadh
    3. Sir Creek and Ladakh
    4. A and B both
    5. All of these

  • The Police Martyrs Day is observed on __________ in Pakistan?
    1. August 01
    2. August 02
    3. August 04
    4. None of these

  • When federal cabinet approved a new political map of Pakistan, which includes the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJ&K) and other disputed areas?
    1. 27 July 2020
    2. 2 August 2020
    3. 3 August 2020
    4. 4 August 2020

  • Pakistan Army shoots down Indian quadcopter drone in July, which was the________ Indian quadcopter shot down by the Pak Army in 2020.
    1. 8th
    2. 10th
    3. 12th
    4. 15th