• The 1973 Constitution of Pakistan came into force on?
    1. 23rd March 1973
    2. 14th August 1973
    3. 8th June 1973
    4. 27th October 1973

  • Pakistan Steel Mills is located in?
    1. Lahore
    2. Gwadar
    3. Karachi
    4. None of them

  • The capital city of Gilgit Baltistan is?
    1. Ghanchay
    2. Nagar
    3. Chilas
    4. Gilgit

  • What is the total area of Punjab Province?
    1. 74,521 Km
    2. 40,914 Km
    3. 347,190 Sq Km
    4. 205,345 Sq Km

  • Pakistan conducted nuclear tests on May 28, 1998 at?
    1. Kohe-e-Sufaid
    2. Chaghi Hills
    3. Toba Kakar
    4. None of These

  • Which mountain range is located in Sindh Province?
    1. Himalaya
    2. Karakoram Range
    3. Kirthar Range
    4. Salt Range

  • The highest peak of Salt Range is?
    1. Nanga Parbat
    2. Skesar
    3. Malka Parbat
    4. Everest

  • In which year Syed Jamal-u-din Afghani died?
    1. 1895
    2. 1896
    3. 1897
    4. 1898

  • In which year Ali Garh Trusteeship bill was passed?
    1. 1886
    2. 1887
    3. 1888
    4. 1889

  • Who was the first President of All India Muslim League?
    1. Sir Agha Khan
    2. Nawab Waqar ul Mulk
    3. Nawab Saleem ullah Khan
    4. None of them

  • Who was the Viceroy of India at the time of partition of Bengal?
    1. Lord Curzon
    2. Lord Wavell
    3. Lord Minto
    4. Lord Algan

  • In which of the following city, All India Muslim League was found?
    1. Delhi
    2. Lahore
    3. Dhaka
    4. Allahabad

  • In which of the following cities Indian National Congress was found?
    1. Delhi
    2. Bombay
    3. Kanpur
    4. Allahabad

  • In which year the Kashmiris started their freedom movement against Dogra rule before the partition of the sub-continent?
    1. 1940
    2. 1930
    3. 1920
    4. 1928

  • At the time of Independence which community was in majority in the state of Kashmir?
    1. Muslim
    2. Hindu
    3. Sikh
    4. Christian

  • The book, ";Khutbat e Ahmadia'; is written by?
    1. Dr. Safdar Mahmood
    2. Abdul Haleem Sharar
    3. Sir Syed Amir Ali
    4. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan

  • The Railway workshop of Mughalpura is situated in?
    1. Gujranwala
    2. Multan
    3. Karachi
    4. Lahore

  • Which pass connects Pakistan with Afghanistan?
    1. Khunjerab Pass
    2. Khyber Pass
    3. Shandur Pass
    4. None of These

  • Allama Muhammad Iqbal delivered his famous Allahabad Address in?
    1. 1929
    2. 1930
    3. 1931
    4. 1932

  • Who was the second Prime Minister of Pakistan?
    1. Ch Muhammad Ali
    2. Kh. Nazim-ud-Din
    3. Liaquat Ali Khan
    4. Feroze Khan Noon

  • Who was the founder of Daily English Newspaper Dawn?
    1. Liaquat Ali Khan
    2. Z.A Sulehri
    3. Quaid-e-Azam
    4. None of them

  • Indian Independence Act'; was enforced on ?
    1. 13th August 1947
    2. 14th August 1947
    3. 15th August 1947
    4. 16th August 1947

  • Government of India Act 1858 was passed on?
    1. 2nd August 1858
    2. 18th July 1858
    3. 24th October 1858
    4. 3rd June 1858

  • Who Reviewed the famous book ";The Indian Musalmans"; in 1872?
    1. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
    2. Sir William Wilson Hunter
    3. M Delwar Hussain
    4. John King Fairbank

  • Who started the Faraizi Movement?
    1. Haji Shariat Ullah
    2. Allama Muhammad Iqbal
    3. Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
    4. Sir Aga Khan