Recent Questions

  • Who is Current Chinese Ambassador to Pakistan?
    1. Jiang Zaidong
    2. Li Keqiang
    3. Nong Rong
    4. None of These

  • Who is the Current US ambassador to Pakistan?
    1. Paul Jones
    2. David Hale
    3. Donald Armin Blome
    4. Mike Pompeo

  • Who is the Current German Ambassador to Pakistan?
    1. Dr. Karl Fischer
    2. Dr. Cyrill Nunn
    3. Alfred Grannas
    4. Gunter Mulack

  • Who is the Current High Commissioner of India to Pakistan?
    1. Ajay Bisaria
    2. Geetika Srivastava
    3. Suresh Kumar
    4. None of these

  • Who is the Current Ambassador of the European Union to Pakistan?
    1. Dr Riina Kionka
    2. Androulla Kaminara
    3. Jean-Francois Cautain
    4. Gerhard Sabathil

  • Who is the Current Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Pakistan?
    1. Nawaf Bin Saeed Al Maliki
    2. Adel bin Ahmed Al jubeir
    3. Faisal bin Farhan
    4. None of these

  • Who is the Current Afghan Ambassador to Pakistan?
    1. Omar Zakhilwal
    2. Zahid Nasrullah Khan
    3. Sahibzada Ahmed Khan
    4. Tahir Mehmood