• Which country recorded the highest number of child births on the New Year’s Day 2020?
    1. China
    2. India
    3. Pakistan
    4. Nigeria

  • Which Rank was Secured by Pakistan at Newly Released Women, Peace, and Security Index 2019?
    1. 151th
    2. 164th
    3. 166th
    4. 167th

  • Which country in December 2019 lifted the veil on its tightly guarded space-based missile warning system named Kupol ?
    1. Israel
    2. China
    3. Russia
    4. USA

  • Which Country';s powerful army chief, General Ahmed Gaid Salah, died in December 2019 ?
    1. South Africa
    2. Somalia
    3. Algeria
    4. Nigeria

  • Who has been named as India’s first Chief of Defence Staff?
    1. Bikram Singh
    2. Bipin Rawat
    3. VK Singh
    4. Deepak Kapoor

  • Which country deployed first ‘Avangard’ Hypersonic missile in its defence system. This hypersonic missile can fly 20 times faster than the speed of sound (33,000 km/h)?
    1. China
    2. USA
    3. Russia
    4. South Korea

  • In December 2019, which country declared emergency to contain the environmental impact of fuel spill in the Galapagos Island?
    1. Panama
    2. Argentina
    3. Ecuador
    4. Iceland

  • The Citizenship (Amendment) Act, 2019 provides people of all religions except _____ path to Indian citizenship fleeing other countries.
    1. Muslims
    2. Hindus
    3. Christians
    4. Buddhist

  • World';s oldest black rhino Fausta dies aged _________ in a Tanzanian sanctuary?
    1. 55
    2. 56
    3. 57
    4. 60

  • Who was Anna karina , who died recently in December 2019?
    1. Actress
    2. Astronaut
    3. Writer
    4. Ornithologist

  • Which country ranked is the highest jailer of journalists in the World, after China, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists on 28 December 2019?
    1. USA
    2. India
    3. Turkey
    4. Russia

  • What is the name of common Currency recently announced by Western Africa?
    1. ROAR
    2. ECO
    3. COIN
    4. NAT

  • Word';s first liquid hydrogen transport ship named ';Suiso Frontier'; launched by_________?
    1. Japan
    2. China
    3. Russia
    4. USA

  • The UN has declared its peacekeeping mission in Mali as the world’s most dangerous UN mission, as over 200 peacekeepers were killed among a force of ________ ?
    1. 15,000
    2. 20,000
    3. 17,000
    4. 10,000

  • The mission to which nation has been declared as the UN';s most dangerous Peacekeeping Mission?
    1. Sudan
    2. Haiti
    3. Syria
    4. Mali

  • Who has been named as the most famous teenager in the World by the United Nations in December 2019
    1. Storm Reid
    2. Greta Thunberg
    3. Malala Yousafzai

  • Which Country has introduced mandatory face Scans for mobile users?
    1. India
    2. Spain
    3. China
    4. USA

  • Who won the Presidential elections in Afghanistan December 2019?
    1. Abdullah Abdullah
    2. Mohammad Salem
    3. Ashraf Ghani
    4. Maqsood Alam

  • India';s Parliament passed Controversial ';anti-Muslim'; Citizenship Amendment Bill (CAB) bill on________?
    1. 4 December 2019
    2. 11 December 2019
    3. 15 December 2019
    4. None of these

  • Kuala Lumpur Summit 2019 was held on ___________?
    1. 14-18 December 2019
    2. 18-21 December 2019
    3. 20-24 December 2019
    4. None of these

  • Recently, World';s Oldest Artwork founded in__________ cave?
    1. Indonesian
    2. African
    3. Malaysian
    4. none of these

  • What is the name of The Indian Coast Guard anti-hijacking exercise 2019 at the Kochi Port?
    1. Garuda
    2. Apharan
    3. Vijay
    4. Shakti

  • Vernon Philander has announced his retirement plan from all forms of cricket he belongs to _________ ?
    1. Australia
    2. South Africa
    3. India
    4. England

  • Manuel Marrero Cruz has been appointed as the Prime Minister of which nation?
    1. Cuba
    2. Colombia
    3. Georgia

  • Which of the following country declared emergency in Galapagos Islands?
    1. China
    2. Ecuador
    3. USA
    4. Pakistan