• __________becomes 1st Arab country to get full FATF membership?
    1. Saudi Arabia
    2. Qatar
    3. UAE
    4. Kuwait

  • Which Two Countries Shut thousands of schools over forest fire haze in September, 2019?
    1. South Korea, North Korea
    2. Thailand, Vietnam
    3. Malaysia, Indonesia
    4. Myanmar, Bhutan

  • Ben Ali, the ousted president of________dies on Sep 19, 2019 in Saudi exile.
    1. Yemen
    2. Tunisia
    3. Syria
    4. Egypt

  • Total height of LOTUS Tower is__________?
    1. 366m
    2. 380m
    3. 400m
    4. 350m

  • Which is the tallest tower in the South Asia?
    1. Lotus Tower
    2. Moon tower
    3. Both
    4. None

  • Which Country inaugurated Tallest Tower in the South Asia?
    1. Bangladesh
    2. SRI LANKA
    3. India
    4. non of these

  • The 16-year-old environmental activist Greta Thunberg received Amnesty International’s “Ambassadors of Conscience” award on climate disaster, she belong to_______?
    1. Sweden
    2. Denmark
    3. Norway
    4. Finland

  • When Aramco Oil factory in Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia was attacked by Yemeni';s Houthi group?
    1. September 1, 2019
    2. September 4, 2019
    3. September 10, 2019
    4. September 14, 2019

  • Which Country has topped the Global Talent Competitiveness Index 2019?
    1. Switzerland
    2. Singapore
    3. US
    4. Norway

  • Which country';s ruling center-left socialist party had won the snap elections that were held on April 28, 2019?
    1. France
    2. Italy
    3. Spain
    4. Argentina

  • Which African Country has become the first to immunise children against Malaria through the vaccine ‘RTS,S’ (Mosquirix) under the WHO-coordinated Malaria vaccine pilot programme?
    1. DR Congo
    2. Malawi
    3. Somalia
    4. Ethiopia

  • Akademik Lomonosov, the world';s only floating nuclear power unit started commercial operations in which Country?
    1. Dubai
    2. Qatar
    3. Russia
    4. Germany

  • Which country suffered from Tropical storm Humberto on 14 Sep. 2019, that was already hammered by Hurricane Dorian two weeks ago?
    1. USA
    2. Canada
    3. Bahamas
    4. Cuba

  • Afghan Taliban send team to which country after US talks collapse in September 2019?
    1. China
    2. Pakistan
    3. Russia
    4. Azerbijan

  • When Taliban revoked ban on the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Afghanistan and gave a guarantee of security for its staff in their under control area.
    1. 15 June 2019
    2. 15 July 2019
    3. 15 August 2019
    4. 15 September 2019

  • When Taliban imposed a ban on the ICRC and the World Health Organisation (WHO) in Afghanistan?
    1. Jan 2019
    2. Feb 2019
    3. Mar 2019
    4. April 2019

  • Which Country';s army chief was shot dead during a failed coup attempt?
    1. Germany
    2. Syria
    3. Egypt
    4. Ethiopia

  • Danakil Depression, which is in news recently, is associated to which African country ?
    1. Yaman
    2. Ethiopia
    3. Somialia
    4. Eritrea

  • OIC secretariat on 30 August 2019 expressed it';s concern on Kashmir and reconfirmed it';s stance that ?
    1. It is internal issue of Indian government
    2. It should be decided according to International Law
    3. Supported the stance of Pakistan on Kashmir matter completely
    4. Expressed some reservations

  • The theme of World Space Week 2019 is _______________________?
    1. ";Our Space, Our Time";
    2. “The Moon: Gateway to the Stars,”
    3. ";Space Unites the World";
    4. None of these

  • Water has been discovered on which potentially habitable super-Earth ?
    1. K2-14d
    2. K2-15c
    3. K2-13a

  • Which country has inaugurated Southeast Asia';s largest solar power farm, which has the capacity to produce 688 million kWh of electricity annually ?
    1. China
    2. India
    3. Indonesia
    4. Vietnam

  • Which Country left Baghdad Pact in 1958 and then it was renamed as CENTO?
    1. Iraq
    2. Pakistan
    3. Turkey
    4. Iran

  • Who is the Current President of China?
    1. Nguyen Phu Trong
    2. Xi jinping
    3. Moon Jae in
    4. Shinzo abe

  • When Indian moon mission Chandrayaan-2 failed, at around 2.1 kilometres over from landing lost communication and crashed?
    1. 1 August 2019
    2. 17 August 2019
    3. 1 September 2019
    4. 7 September 2019