• The 24th conference of the parties to the United Nations Framework convention on climate change was held in________?
    1. Brasilia
    2. Geneva
    3. Katowice
    4. Paris

  • Dr. Zhores Alferov, a Russian physicist and Nobel Prize laureate, has passed away on __________ ?
    1. 1st March 2019
    2. 2nd March 2019
    3. 3rd March 2019
    4. 1st February 2018

  • The US space agency NASA has recently announced that it will carry out first all female spacewalk at the ISS on ____________?
    1. 27 March 2019
    2. 28 March 2019
    3. 29 March 2019
    4. 01 April 2019

  • Which of following, Space agency has decided to carry out first all female spacewalk at the International Space Station?
    1. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency ( JAXA )
    2. NASA
    3. ISRO
    4. Roscosmos

  • Which Country will host 2022 Winter Olympics?
    1. JAPAN
    2. INDIA
    3. CHINA
    4. None

  • Thirty-six nations have signed an open letter criticizing which nation’s human rights record?
    1. Oman
    2. Iraq
    3. USA

  • Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad, who has been re-elected as the new President of Olympic Council of Asia (OCA) in March 2019, is from which country?
    1. Saudi Arabia.
    2. Oman
    3. Yaman
    4. Kuwait

  • What was the theme of 2019 International Women';s Day?
    1. Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030
    2. Time is Now: Rural and urban activists transforming women';s lives
    3. Think equal, build smart, innovate for change
    4. Empowering Women, Empowering Humanity: Picture it

  • Olympic Council of Asia decided to invite which of the following region to compete in 2022 Asian Games for the first time?
    1. North America
    2. Europe
    3. Oceania
    4. Antarctica

  • New European T20 league is going to be start from__________?
    1. April 30 Sep 22,2019
    2. Aug 30 to Sep 22,2019
    3. March 30 to July 22,2019
    4. October 22 to dec 25, 2018

  • Which three countries formed new European T20 league?
    1. Germany ,England,France
    2. France,Scotland, Germonay
    3. Scotland,Netherland, Ireland
    4. Scotland, UK, France

  • What is the name of legislature of New Zealand?
    1. Parliament
    2. National Congress
    3. Peoples Congress
    4. Althing

  • In which country on 22 March 2019, 47 people died and about 600 injured due to An explosion at a pesticide plant?
    1. Japan
    2. China
    3. Russia
    4. South Korea

  • How many total member participated in 10 sports at the week-long Special Olympics World Summer games being held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates?
    1. 82
    2. 88
    3. 92
    4. 98

  • How many gold medals Pakistani athletes have won along with 28 silver and 15 bronze medals at the 2019 Special Olympics World Summer Games?
    1. 16
    2. 18
    3. 20
    4. 21

  • FAO calls on which country to declare swine fever a national emergency on 20 march 2019?
    1. Philpine
    2. Veitnam
    3. Thailand
    4. Mayanmar

  • Stanely Wolpert is popular in Pakistan due to__________?
    1. Autobiography
    2. Biography of Quaid-e-azam
    3. Biography of Allama Iqbal
    4. Biography of Imran Khan

  • How much increased in military spending announced by China in 2019?
    1. 30%
    2. 7.5%
    3. 25%
    4. 10%

  • Which country has successfully transplanted stem cell against HIV?
    1. USA
    2. China
    3. UK
    4. Germany

  • Which city was world';s the most Polluted Capital City in 2018?
    1. Dhaka
    2. Islamabad
    3. New Dehli
    4. KhatmKhat

  • Indo-Bangladesh joint military exercise ';Sampriti-2019'; in March 2019 was concluded in which of the following locations?
    1. Tangail
    2. Hooghly
    3. Barguna
    4. Sylhet

  • Which Country Celebrated Valentine';s Day for the first time on 14 Feb. 2019?
    1. Yemen
    2. Qatar
    3. Saudi Arabia
    4. Kuwait

  • Russia suspended missile treaty 1987 with which country?
    1. USA
    2. UK
    3. European Countries
    4. None of the Above

  • Range of Iranian Cruise Missile Hoveizeh is ______?
    1. 1000 KM
    2. 1100 KM
    3. 1350 KM
    4. None of the Above

  • Name the Cruise Missile Tested by Iran in February 2019?
    1. Qiam 1
    2. Ashoura
    3. Hoveizeh
    4. None of the Above