• Which country Ranked as number 1 country by WEF,s Gender Gap Index 2018.

  • Which country has recently announced the formation of the Iran Action Group (IAG) to coordinate and run the country';s policy towards Iran?
    1. China
    2. USA
    3. Turkey
    4. Saudi Arabia

  • Who won recently held Maldives'; Presidential Election 2018?
    1. Ibrahim Mohamed Solih
    2. Yameen Abdul Gayoom
    3. Abdul Qawi Yousuf
    4. None

  • Which Country';s Cabinet on October 11, 2018 has decided to abolish the death penalty for all crimes and halt all pending executions?
    1. Turkey
    2. Malaysia
    3. Sudan
    4. Egypt

  • Which Country has appointed diplomat Sahle-Work Zewde as its first-ever female President?
    1. Somalia
    2. Ethiopia
    3. Djibouti
    4. Nigeria

  • Which Organization has stripped Myanmar';s Aung San Suu Kyi of ';Ambassador of Conscience'; Award?
    1. UN Human Rights Council
    2. Amnesty International
    3. Transparency International
    4. None of these

  • The United Nations Security Council in a unanimous vote has agreed to lift the sanctions imposed against which country after 9 years?
    1. Dijibouti
    2. Eritrea
    3. Ethipoia
    4. Somalia

  • The Asia Pacific Summit 2018 from 1 Dec-3rd Dec was hosted by___________?
    1. Beijing, China
    2. Kathmandu, Nepal
    3. Delhi, India
    4. Singapore

  • Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has been sworn in as the___________President of Mexico?
    1. 58th
    2. 41th
    3. 45th
    4. 11th

  • Which Arab Country , in a landmark decision, decided to increase the representation of women in the Federal National Council to 50 per cent from the coming Parliamentary term?
    1. Saudi Arabia
    2. UAE
    3. Qatar
    4. Oman

  • Which treaty will be terminated on April 1, 2019 amid rising tensions between Russia & Ukrain?
    1. War
    2. Friendship
    3. Trade
    4. All

  • Who has been crowned as Miss Universe 2018?
    1. Catriona Gray
    2. Angela Ponce
    3. Sarah Rose Summers
    4. None

  • Belgium won the Men';s Hockey World Cup for the______time.
    1. First
    2. Second
    3. Third
    4. Fourth

  • Runner Up Team In 2018 Men';s Hockey World Cup was____________?
    1. Australia
    2. India
    3. Belgium
    4. Netherlands

  • 2018 Men';s Hockey World Cup won by____________?
    1. Australia
    2. Netherlands
    3. Belgium
    4. India

  • ____________names Gitega as new capital?
    1. Nairobi
    2. Mauritius
    3. Burundi
    4. Tanzania

  • Asia Emerging Cricket Cup 2018 won by____________?
    1. Pakistan
    2. India
    3. Srilanka
    4. Bangladesh

  • Volcano-triggered tsunami hits __________on 23 Dec-2018 without warning; over 220 dead?
    1. Japan
    2. America
    3. Indonesia
    4. Malaysia

  • From what height did Irene O'; Shea the world oldest skydiver plunge?
    1. 11,000 feet
    2. 12,000 feet
    3. 13,000 feet
    4. 14,000 feet

  • Whats is the age of world oldest Skydiver Irene O'; Shea?
    1. 100
    2. 102
    3. 103
    4. 104

  • What is the name of world oldest Skydiver?
    1. Irene O';Shea
    2. Ainy
    3. Jimmy
    4. Angela

  • The Triangular Initiative meeting held at Islamabad between Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran, it was___________ meeting?
    1. 11th Triangular Initiative Meeting
    2. 12th Triangular Initiative Meeting
    3. 13th Triangular Initiative Meeting
    4. 14th Triangular Initiative Meeting

  • A meeting between Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran held at Islamabad on Dec 11-12 2018 on Counter-Narcotics is called___________?
    1. Anti Narcotics Meeting
    2. Counter Narcotics Meeting
    3. Triangular Meeting
    4. Triangular Initiative Meeting

  • Statue of ';Gandhi'; was removed from which university campus?
    1. University of Dehli
    2. University of Dhaka
    3. University of Ghana
    4. None of these

  • The 5th Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians was held in_____________?
    1. Baku
    2. Tbilisi
    3. Paris
    4. Geneva