• Which countries has secured top position according to the latest Henley Passport Index 2023 to have access of visa-free to 192 countries?
    1. Japan
    2. China
    3. Singapore
    4. USA

  • International Chess Day is being observed on which date annually?
    1. 18th July
    2. 19th July
    3. 20th July
    4. None of above

  • During NATO 2023 Summit, alliance established new _________ to support national mitigation efforts in response to significant malicious cyber activities.
    1. Vertical Cyber Incident Support Cell (VCISC)
    2. Virtual Cyber Incident Support Capability (VCISC)
    3. Vertical Cyber Incident Support Centre (VCISC)
    4. Virtual Cyber Incident Support Centre (VCISC)

  • NATO alliance was not united on having Ukraine join anytime soon during annual summit 2023. There was opposition from ____________ and _____________ , the two most influential members.
    1. United States and Poland
    2. United States and UK
    3. United States and France
    4. United States and Germany

  • ______ was supposed to chair BRICS in 2024, however due to its request, now BRICS 2024 will be chaired by _________.
    1. Brazil, Russia
    2. Russia, India
    3. India, South Africa
    4. China, South Africa

  • NATO';s Secretary General is appointed for how many years?
    1. Three years, renewable
    2. Four years, renewable
    3. Five years, renewable
    4. Three years, not renewable

  • The Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) in NATO is held by?
    1. Always by America
    2. Rotated among alliance countries
    3. Given in order of priority of accession to alliance
    4. None of the above

  • The independent strategic nuclear forces of _______ and ______ have a deterrent role of their own and contribute significantly to the overall security of the NATO Alliance.
    1. United Kingdom and Germany
    2. Germany and France
    3. United Kingdom and France
    4. None of the above

  • The strategic nuclear forces of the Alliance, particularly those of __________ , are the supreme guarantee of the security of the NATO Alliance.
    1. United States
    2. United Kingdom
    3. Germany
    4. France

  • _________ and ________ are at the heart of the NATO Alliance, underpinned by Article 5 of the Washington Treaty and an enduring transatlantic bond.
    1. Defense and Perseverance
    2. Defense and military build up
    3. Deterrence and defence
    4. All of the above

  • _________ established during NATO Summit 2023 will provide for joint consultations, decision-making, and activities, and will also serve as a crisis consultation mechanism between NATO and Ukraine.
    1. NATO-Ukraine Council
    2. Mini NATO Council
    3. NATO for Ukraine
    4. None of the above

  • To support Ukraine’s further integration with NATO, alliance agreed a substantial package of expanded political and practical support and decided to establish a new joint body where Allies and Ukraine sit as equal members to advance political dialogue, engagement, cooperation, and Ukraine’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations for membership in NATO. Its name is?
    1. Mini NATO Alliance Council
    2. NATO-Ukraine Council
    3. NATO for Ukraine
    4. None of the above

  • Initial commitment that, ";Ukraine will become a member of NATO";, was made at?
    1. 2007 Summit in Bucharest
    2. 2007 Summit in Madrid
    3. 2008 Summit in Bucharest
    4. 2008 Summit in Washington, D.C

  • Ukraine’s inherent right to self-defence as enshrined in which Article of the UN Charter?
    1. Article 48
    2. Article 49
    3. Article 50
    4. Article 51

  • Which two countries were criticized in NATO Summit 2023 and asked to end their complicity or support to Russia?
    1. Iran and Pakistan
    2. Iran and Belarus
    3. North Korea and Iran
    4. Belarus and Morocco

  • As per communique issued after 2023 Summit of NATO, whose stated ambitions and coercive policies challenge NATO’s interests, security and values?
    1. People’s Republic of China (PRC)
    2. Russian Federation
    3. Both of the above
    4. None of the above

  • According to NATO’s 2023 Communique, who is the most significant and direct threat to Allies’ security and to peace and stability in the Euro-Atlantic area?
    1. People';s Republic of China (PRC)
    2. Russian Federation
    3. Islamic Extremism
    4. Both A and B

  • As per communique issued after 2023 Summit, NATO’s three core tasks are?
    1. Deterrence and defence, crisis prevention and management, and cooperative security
    2. Perseverance and defence, crisis prevention and management, and cooperative business
    3. Deterrence and security, crisis prevention and management, and cooperative combat environment
    4. Deterrence and pressure, crisis prevention and management, and cooperative mechanisms

  • Who made a remark in 2023 that ";we are not Amazon"; and that Ukraine should show more thanks for international military aid?
    1. UK former prime minister Boris Johnson
    2. UK Defence secretary Ben Wallace
    3. UK former prime minister Liz Truss
    4. None of the above

  • NATO Summit 2023 was held at Vilnius, Lithuania on 11-12 July. What was its venue?
    1. BITEXPO
    2. FITEXPO
    3. KITEXPO
    4. LITEXPO

  • The first step in reimagining a post–Cold War NATO was an initiative called?
    1. Partnership for Peace
    2. Partnership for Prosperity
    3. Partnership for Development
    4. Partnership for Peace, Prosperity and Development

  • Which island is shared by Germany and Poland?
    1. Olowianka
    2. Usedom
    3. Slodowa
    4. None of the above

  • The longest EU-funded underwater tunnel in Europe opened in Poland will connect which two islands?
    1. Usedom and Wolin
    2. Ostro and Konski
    3. Port and Chelminek
    4. Olowianka and Karsibor

  • The longest EU-funded underwater tunnel in Europe has been opened in?
    1. Germany
    2. Belgium
    3. Finland
    4. Poland

  • G7 Summit 2023 was hosted by Japan in which city?
    1. Nagasaki
    2. Hiroshima
    3. Tokyo
    4. Osaka