• The world’s largest dome has recently inaugurated in which country?
    1. India
    2. China
    3. Egypt
    4. Iran

  • Who has been elected as the new President of Iraq on 2nd Oct 2018?
    1. Barham Salih
    2. Fuad Masum
    3. Jalal Talabani
    4. Mashal Ajil al-Yawer

  • Which of the following has won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry 2018?
    1. George Smith
    2. Frances Arnold
    3. Greg Winter
    4. All of above
    5. None of them

  • Which of the following has won the Nobel Prize for Physics 2018?
    1. Gérard Mourou
    2. Arthur Ashkin
    3. Donna Strickland
    4. All of these
    5. None of them

  • Which of the following has won the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine 2018?
    1. Tasuku Honjo
    2. Michael W. Young
    3. Both A and B
    4. None of them

  • Who won the 2018 Nobel Economics Prize 2018?
    1. William Nordhaus
    2. Paul Romer
    3. Huang yin
    4. A and B
    5. None of these

  • Who Won Nobel Peace Prize 2018?
    1. Congolese doctor Denis Mukwege
    2. Yazidi campaigner Nadia Murad
    3. International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
    4. Both A and B
    5. Both A and D

  • What was the theme of 2018 World Rabies Day (WRD) celebrated every year on September 28?
    1. Rabies: 100% Vaccine preventable
    2. Rabies: Educate, Vaccinate, Eliminate
    3. Rabies: Share the message. Save a life!
    4. Rabies: Zero by 30

  • Which country will host the Interfaith Alliance Forum on 19th and 20th November 2018?
    1. Iran
    2. Israel
    3. India
    4. UAE

  • The Nelson Mandela Decade of Peace declared by United Nations recently is from_____ to _____?
    1. 2019 to 2028
    2. 2020 to 2029
    3. 2021 to 2030
    4. 2022 to 2031

  • What was the theme of the 2018 World Tourism Day (WTD) Celebrated every 27 September?
    1. Tourism opens doors for women
    2. Sustainable tourism – a tool for development
    3. Tourism: Responding to the Challenge of Climate Change
    4. Tourism and the Digital Transformation

  • Which of the following is the first country to successfully land robotic rovers on an asteroid Ryugu?
    1. Japan
    2. USA
    3. China
    4. Canada

  • How many Pakistani delegation represents Pakistan at 2nd Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) Young Leaders Forum, held in Russia from 19th-23rd Sept-2018?
    1. 5 Members
    2. 10 Members
    3. 12 Members
    4. 15 Members

  • Where (SCO) Young Leaders Forum, was held from 19th-23rd September 2018.?
    1. Khabarovsk  Russia
    2. Baku Uzbikistan
    3. Islamabad Pakistan
    4. Beijing China

  • Which of following Country recently invent Laser Riffle?
    1. USA
    2. Russia
    3. China
    4. Germany

  • What is the new name of the Country Swaziland?
    1. Belarus
    2. Moldova
    3. Angola
    4. eSwatini

  • Rwanda will be the Second African Country to host The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) 2020, which was the first?
    1. Ghana
    2. Uganda
    3. Egypt
    4. South Africa

  • The president of UN General Assembly (UNGA) Maria Fernanda Espinosa belongs to which Country?
    1. Mexico
    2. Brazil
    3. Equador
    4. Argentine

  • When UN General Assembly (UNGA) adopted Nelson Mandela Peace Summit by resolution 72/243?
    1. 22 September 2017
    2. 22 October 2017
    3. 22 November 2017
    4. 22 December 2017

  • On 24 September 2018, Nelson Mandela Peace Summit 2018 was held at__________?
    1. New York
    2. Cape Town
    3. Ghana
    4. Berlin

  • What was the height of tsunami waves which killed 400 people into the Indonesian island of Sulawesi?
    1. 3 meters
    2. 5 meter
    3. 7 meter
    4. 9 meter

  • What was the name of Malaysian airline flight which was lost and disappeared in 2014?
    1. MH 370
    2. Mh 385
    3. NN 350
    4. MN 300

  • Minister of Commerce & Industry Khaled Nasser Abdullah Al-Roudhan met PM Imran khan on 28 Sept 2018 belongs to which Country?
    1. Iran
    2. Saudi Arabia
    3. UAE
    4. Kuwait

  • Recently against which famous Football Celebrity a women files complaint of rape in Court?
    1. Cristiano Ronaldo
    2. NeymarNeymar
    3. Antoine Griezmann
    4. Diego Maradona

  • Recently which Search Engine celebrated its 20th anniversary in September, 2018?
    1. Yahoo
    2. Google
    3. Bing
    4. Ask.com