• 2018 FIFA World Cup (football) will be hosted by?
    1. Italy
    2. Argentine
    3. Russia
    4. Spain

  • Recently the parliament of ________________is dissolved by its Prime Minister on 28-9-2017?
    1. Japan
    2. Mongolia
    3. Pakistan
    4. Vanswala

  • World';s biggest uncut diamond sells for?
    1. $43-M
    2. $53-M
    3. $63-M
    4. $73-M

  • Recently United Nations general assembly 2107 session was _____________?
    1. 70
    2. 71
    3. 72
    4. 73

  • Which nation';s President was sentenced to death for treason on 25th March 2017?
    1. Libya
    2. Yemen
    3. Somalia
    4. Sudan

  • In which year Pakistan and China joint Venture of JF7 Thunder Aircraft started?
    1. 1997
    2. 2003
    3. 1999
    4. 2000

  • A batch of _______Pakistan army troops left for Central African Republic (CAR) on Sunday to perform peace-keeping duties under the aegis of the United Nations Mission.?
    1. 250
    2. 350
    3. 450
    4. 550

  • The Nobel Prize in Economics 2015 was won by
    1. Angus Deaton
    2. Jean Tirole
    3. Patrick Modiano
    4. Arthur B. McDonald