• Which Mobile manufacturing company has decided to withdraw its smartphone brand from the market?
    1. Motorola
    2. Sony
    3. Nokia
    4. LG Electronics

  • China signed a deal of economic partnership of 400 billion dollars to which of the following country
    1. Bangladesh
    2. Myanmar
    3. China
    4. Iran

  • Neom City is located on the coast of ____ Sea?
    1. Persian Gulf
    2. Gulf of Oman
    3. Dead Sea
    4. Red Sea

  • Meaning of Neom the name of new proposed smart city in Saudi Arabia?
    1. New Era
    2. New world
    3. New Arabia
    4. New Future

  • The Line is a proposed smart city in Saudi Arabia is located in the area of________?
    1. Uhud
    2. Taif
    3. Badr
    4. Tabuk

  • What is the theme of the International Day of Action for Rivers 2021?
    1. Rights of Rivers
    2. Rivers for Life
    3. Positive Rivers
    4. Water and Climate

  • Who has become the highest player to score 770 goals in Football History?
    1. Cristiano Ronaldo
    2. Lionel Messi
    3. Romario
    4. Joseph Bickan

  • Who acknowledged Pakistan';s pivotal role in establishing Sino-USA relations in 1971?
    1. Richard Nixon
    2. Dr. Henry Kissinger
    3. Hillary Clinton
    4. None of these

  • A ship recently blocked which trade route causing the world economy to lose million of Dollars?
    1. Strait of Malacca
    2. Indus River
    3. Suez Canal
    4. Red Sea

  • Which International Airport has become the Worlds 1st Smart reading Airport?
    1. Qatar
    2. Bangalore
    3. Dubai
    4. None of these

  • Recently,which country was the world';s most polluted capital for the third straight year 2020.
    1. New Delhi, India
    2. Tokyo, Japan
    3. Beijing, China
    4. None of these

  • Recently in March 2021, North Korea ended its diplomatic relations with which of the following country
    1. South Korea
    2. USA
    3. China

  • Where the high level meeting between China and United States of America is scheduled?
    1. New York
    2. Washington DC
    3. Alaska
    4. Shanghai

  • Which country';s space agency has launched 38 satellites for 18 different countries?
    1. China
    2. USA
    3. Russia
    4. Japan

  • When does Iran celebrate its new year 2021, which is known as Persian Year ";Nowruz or Navroz";?
    1. March 10, 2021
    2. March 15, 2021
    3. March 20, 2021
    4. None of these

  • After Switzerland which country proposed to ban Burka (Hijab)?
    1. Nepal
    2. India
    3. Sri Lanka
    4. None of these

  • According to recent figures of  IMF, which country has largest foreign exchange reserves in the world?
    1. Japan
    2. USA
    3. China
    4. Russia

  • Which country will host Asian boxing championship 2021?
    1. Pakistan
    2. India
    3. Nepal
    4. Bangladesh

  • Where is the world';s largest floating solar farm being built?
    1. Vietnam
    2. Singapore
    3. Malaysia
    4. China

  • Who has become the first transgender person to be featured on cover of Time Magazine?
    1. Elliott Page
    2. Maya
    3. Shama
    4. Christine Jorgensen

  • Which country scientists just deployed a giant telescope underwater for the first time?
    1. Chinese
    2. American
    3. Russian
    4. British

  • 400 Meter long and 59 Meter wide Vessel Ever Given of Taiwan stranded across Egypt';s Suez Canal after losing ability to steer amid ?
    1. Navigational Issue
    2. High wind and Dust Storm
    3. Technical and  Mechanical Issue
    4. None of these

  • The ship blocked the way of Suez Canal causing the World Economy to lose million of dollars is named as:
    1. Ever Green
    2. Green Bay
    3. Ever Given
    4. Titanic

  • First woman in East Africa who became President of Tanzania is_________?
    1. Jonnifer
    2. Samia Suluhu Hassan
    3. Shahida
    4. None of these

  • International conference on Afghanistan on 19 March was held in___________?
    1. Moscow -; Russia
    2. Doha -; Qatar
    3. Shinghai -; China
    4. None of these