• Who becomes the first batsman to score a Double Century in his 100th test mach after breaking Inzamam ul Haq record of 184 runs in his 100th match?
    1. Babar Azam
    2. Virat Cohli
    3. Joe Root
    4. Ricky ponting

  • Recently which of the following Country has launched Stardust 1.0, the first rocket to run on biofuel?
    1. China
    2. USA
    3. Russia
    4. France

  • Current military head of Myanmar and concurrently serving as Chairman of the State Administrative Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Myanmar Armed Forces is__________?
    1. Min Aung Hlaing Burmese
    2. Nyan Tun
    3. Win Myint
    4. None of these

  • Which country on 20 January 2021 has re-joined the Paris Agreement?
    1. China
    2. Russia
    3. Morocco
    4. United States

  • Trump impeachment case: how many us senators voted in favour of Trump impeachment, held on 10 February, 2021?
    1. 60-40
    2. 40-60
    3. 56-44
    4. 50-50

  • Which US state became first state to proclaim 5th Feb as ";Kashmir-American day"; by adopting a resolution ?
    1. Illinios
    2. California
    3. New-York
    4. Wyoming

  • What was the theme of the International Day of Human Fraternity 2021?
    1. Pathway to the Future
    2. Fraternity and Unity
    3. Together we stand against Covid-19
    4. Global Brotherhood

  • Which of the following country';s military staged a coup and declared state emergency for one year?
    1. Ethpoia
    2. Thailand
    3. Myanmar
    4. Nepal

  • Who is hosting 51st Asia Pacific Advanced Networl Meeting from February 1-5, 2021?
    1. Australia
    2. Canada
    3. United States
    4. Pakistan

  • Biden';s administration reviews to withdraw remaining 2500 troops from Afghanistan upto________?
    1. May 2021
    2. March 2021
    3. August 2021
    4. None

  • Military coup in Mayanmar is carried out  against the government of__________?
    1. Suhrato
    2. Aung san
    3. Aung san suki
    4. None

  • Currently which country military ceased the powers of democratic government ?
    1. Bukina fasso
    2. Mayanmar
    3. India
    4. None

  • The World Health Organisation (WHO) has acknowledged which city the world’s healthiest city ?
    1. Makka
    2. Medina
    3. Riyadh
    4. Jeddah

  • Name the first Gulf country to formalize a process to offer citizenship to select group of foreigners?
    1. Qatar
    2. Saudi Arabia
    3. UAE
    4. Bahrain

  • Name the first European Union county who has approved the China made COVID-19 vaccine?
    1. Italy
    2. Luxembourg
    3. Spain
    4. Hungary

  • The first full moon in 2021, also known as the _______, was observed worldwide.
    1. Mega Moon
    2. Wolf Moon
    3. Blue Moon
    4. None

  • When Israel Opens its Embassy in Abu Dhabi?
    1. 24 January 2021
    2. 2 January 2021
    3. 7 January 2021
    4. None of these

  • Which of the following flag was hoisted by Protesting Indian Farmers at the Red Fort?
    1. Nishan Sahib
    2. Khalistan Flag
    3. Communist Flag
    4. None of these

  • Recently which Organization released a report, titled ";The Inequality Virus"; ?
    1. Green Peace
    2. United Nations
    3. Oxfam International
    4. None of these

  • India celebrated which of the following day on 26th January 2021?
    1. Republic Day
    2. Democracy day
    3. Farmers Day
    4. Gandhi Jayanti

  • Recently which of the following country has pulled out from ";Open Skies Treaty"; following the United States?
    1. Russia
    2. France
    3. None of these

  • ";Global Risk Report 2021"; -16th edition has been released by whom?
    1. World Trade Organization
    2. World Economic Forum
    3. World Health Organisation
    4. World Wildlife Fund

  • Which country changed ';one word'; its national anthem recently?
    1. Denmark
    2. Portugal
    3. South Africa
    4. Australia

  • Recently UN has Suspended voting right of how many countries?
    1. 5
    2. 6
    3. 7
    4. 8

  • When Turkey launched its first frigate of Istanbul-class built under national MILGEM Project?
    1. 20th Jan 2021
    2. 23rd Jan 2021
    3. 25th Jan 2021
    4. None of these