• Which country celebrated it’s 49th national day on 16 December 2020?
    1. Bahrain
    2. UAE
    3. Iran
    4. None of these

  • Morocco becomes the ________ Arab Nation to Begin Normalizing Relations With Israel.
    1. sixth
    2. Fifth
    3. Fourth
    4. Third

  • _________________ named Time magazine';s 2020 person of the year?
    1. Joe Biden & Kamala Harris
    2. Donald Trump & Melania Trum
    3. Dr. Anthony Fauci
    4. George Floyd

  • French President Emmanuel Macron has given the highest award of France to ___ President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi on his Paris visit?
    1. Somali
    2. Egyptian
    3. Libyan
    4. None of these

  • According to the Global Terrorism Index 2020, which country was affected most by Terrorism?
    1. Afghanistan
    2. Iraq
    3. Nigeria
    4. Syria

  • A 15-year-old scientist and inventor who has been named as Time magazine';s first “kid of the year”?
    1. Bellen Woodard
    2. Gitanjali Rao
    3. Jordan Reeves
    4. Ian McKenna

  • Amazon founder Jeff Bezos';s space company Blue Origin will take first woman to the moon upto _______?
    1. 2022
    2. 2024
    3. 2026
    4. None of these

  • China commissioned its first nuclear-powered “artificial sun” on___________?
    1. 3rd December 2020
    2. 4th December 2020
    3. 6th December 2020
    4. None

  • The Japanese Hayabusa2 mission to asteroid Ryugu marks a major milestone this weekend with the return of __________ space rock 5th December?
    1. pristine space rock
    2. meteorite space rock
    3. Bennu space rock
    4. None of these

  • Which company will launch Libra cryptocurrency in 2021?
    1. Instagram
    2. Facebook
    3. WhatsApp
    4. None of these

  • Iran believes Israel and an exiled opposition group used a remote-control weapon to shoot dead top nuclear scientist _________?
    1. Wasim sulaimani
    2. Mohsen fakherizadha
    3. Ilham ul Ain
    4. None

  • Which nation';s transitional government signed Juba Peace Agreement with rebel groups?
    1. Ethiopia
    2. Turkey
    3. Sudan
    4. Syria

  • Which country will host OIC foreign ministers meeting(48th CFM Session) in 2021?
    1. UAE
    2. Riyadh
    3. Pakistan
    4. Dubai

  • Which Player Has Recently Become The Most Capped Player in European Football?
    1. Gianluigi Buffon
    2. Sergio Ramos
    3. Cristiano Ronaldo
    4. Leonal Messi

  • Which Top Iranian Nuclear Scientist has been assassinated near Tehran ?
    1. Mohsen Fakhrizadeh
    2. Mohammad AmaUllah
    3. Jawad Zarif
    4. Hassan RehmatUllah

  • Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the ___________Nuclear Scientist assasinated. He is known to be an architect of the nuclear Programme of the Country.
    1. Pakistani
    2. Chinese
    3. Indian
    4. Iranian

  • The ___________ has reopened seasonal and non-seasonal work visas for Pakistani nationals under its annual schedule of work visa called ';Decreto Flussi'; for the year 2020-21?
    1. Sweden
    2. Japan
    3. Germany
    4. Italy

  • According to the survey report titled “Global Corruption Barometer – Asia” by Transparency International. Which is lowest corrupt Asian country';s?
    1. Maldives and Japan
    2. India and Cambodia
    3. South Korea and Indonesia
    4. China and Pakistan

  • According to the survey report titled ";Global Corruption Barometer – Asia"; by Transparency International. Which is most corrupt Asian country?
    1. Maldives
    2. India
    3. Sri Lanka
    4. Afghanistan

  • After normalization relations with Isreal which of the following UAE';s Airline has launched its first flight to Tel Aviv?
    1. UAE Airline
    2. Etihaad Airways
    3. Fly Dubai
    4. Sharjah Airline

  • When did Chinese space Mission ";Chang';e 5 "; Launched?
    1. 22 Nov 2020
    2. 21 Nov 2020
    3. 20 Nov 2020
    4. 23 Nov 2020
    5. On November 28 at 12:58 UTC, it fired its engine for 17 minutes and braked into a 400 km altitude orbit around the Moon.

  • China launches its lunar mission in November 2020 at Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site in southern Hainan Province. This is China';s sixth lunar mission. The goal is to collect and bring back lunar soil and rock samples.
    1. Chang';e-5 probe
    2. Change ';e 6 probe
    3. Change';e 7 probe
    4. None

  • Diego Armando Maradona was a footballer , died of heart attack belongs to which country?
    1. Costa rica
    2. Maldova
    3. Argentina
    4. None

  • Which of the following country will host Fourth ";Street Child Football World Cup"; in 2022?
    1. India
    2. Qatar
    3. Russia
    4. Brasil

  • 4th Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) Summit 2020 was virtually hosted by:
    1. China
    2. Vietnam
    3. Singapore
    4. None of these