• In July 2020, The first active leak of Methane gas from the sea floor was revealed by scientists in_________?
    1. Arctic Region
    2. Antarctica
    3. Pacific Ocean
    4. Indian Ocean

  • Which two countries collaborate to develop rapid testing for COVID-19 under 30 seconds?
    1. USA-UK
    2. USA-Pakistan
    3. India-Israel
    4. China-Pakistan

  • South Korea';s first-ever military communications satellite has been successfully launched by private operator SpaceX, its name is__________?
    1. ANASIS-I
    2. ANASIS-II
    3. Skynet 5A
    4. None of Above

  • Who is the author of the recently released book ‘The Pandemic Century’?
    1. David Cameron
    2. Mark Honigsbaum
    3. Richard Skemp
    4. None of these

  • When the Turkish President and founder of the Republic of Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, transformed the Hagia Sophia building into a Museum?
    1. 1940
    2. 1935
    3. 1949
    4. 1901

  • Who was the first president of Turkey who issued presidential decree to transform the Hagia Sophia Mosque into a Muesum?
    1. Abdulhalik Renda
    2. Adbullah Gul
    3. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
    4. Recep Tayyip Erdogan

  • Originally, when the Turks conquered Constantinople (Istanbul) and the Hagia Sophia was converted to a Mosque?
    1. 1433
    2. 1453
    3. 1425
    4. 1400

  • When the Friday prayer was offered in Sophia Mosque in Turkey after its conversion to Mosque?
    1. 23rd March 2020
    2. 1st July 2020
    3. 24th July 2020
    4. 15th July 2020

  • Which prayer took place at Hagia Sophia Mosque in Turkey after its conversion from Museum to Mosque?
    1. Isha Prayer
    2. Asr Prayer
    3. Juma Prayer
    4. Ishraq Prayer

  • After how many years span of time, the Muslim prayers have been resumed for the first time in the iconic Hagia Sophia Mosque in Turkey?
    1. 92 Years
    2. 68 Years
    3. 86 Years
    4. 50 Years

  • Which country became the 25th country to receive observer status in the World Trade Organization (WTO)?
    1. Iran
    2. Kazakhstan
    3. Turkmenistan

  • What is Current Share of Pakistan in World Population?
    1. 2.20%
    2. 2.30%
    3. 2.40%
    4. 2.83%

  • Who has won GulbenkianPrize for Humanity?
    1. Greta Thunberg
    2. Malala Yousafzai
    3. Anglina Jolli
    4. Kim wing

  • Mention the name of China’s first Mars exploration mission which is successfully launched on 23rd July 2020 ?
    1. Qu Yuan
    2. Tianwen-1
    3. Dong Fang Hong-1
    4. None of these

  • Which nation has banned free internet services for social media?
    1. India
    2. Nepal
    3. Bangladesh
    4. China

  • NASA has postponed the launch of James Webb Space Telescope till when?
    1. December 2021
    2. September 2021
    3. October 2021
    4. July 2022

  • When is World Hepatitis Day celebrated?
    1. 27 September
    2. 17 July
    3. 20 July
    4. 28 July

  • The United Arab Emirates has successfully launched an orbital probe named ___________ to Mars on 20th July 2020?
    1. KhalifaSat
    2. Hope
    3. Falcon
    4. None of these

  • When will gigantic Asteroid 2020 ND make its closest approach to Earth?
    1. August 14th
    2. July 24th
    3. September 15th
    4. none

  • Researchers in ____________ have devised a test that can determine novel Coronavirus infection in about 20 minutes using blood samples in what they say is a world-first breakthrough?
    1. USA
    2. Russia
    3. China
    4. Australia

  • Alphabet Inc launches Balloon internet service in______________?
    1. Japan
    2. Kenya
    3. Sydney
    4. China

  • World';s first e-pilgrimage held at Lourdes shrine in__________?
    1. Germany
    2. Italy
    3. France
    4. Russia

  • Which country has banned its telecom companies from sourcing 5G equipment from Huawei?
    1. France
    2. Germany
    3. United Kingdom
    4. United States

  • Which social media verified Accounts of the world’s top business magnates and politicians got hacked on July 15, 2020?
    1. Facebook
    2. Instagram
    3. Twitter
    4. Snapchat

  • Google has been receiving backlash for allegedly deleting which nation from Google Maps?
    1. Taiwan
    2. Hong Kong
    3. Palestine
    4. Nepal