• Name the First Muslim Hijab woman elected as Member of Israel Parliament in March 2020 elections?
    1. Haneen Zoabi
    2. Iman Khatib-Yasin
    3. Nadia Hilou

  • In which year the Taliban Office opened in Qatar?
    1. 2003
    2. 2010
    3. 2013
    4. 2020

  • The US Congress approved a resolution to restrain President Donald Trump from attacking which country?
    1. Iraq
    2. Iran
    3. Sudan
    4. Libya

  • Which global financial organisation announced an assistance of USD 200 million to medicine-manufacturing companies that work to combat COVID-19?
    1. Asian Development Bank
    2. International Monetary Fund
    3. World Bank
    4. None of these

  • Which global organisation recently adopted a political declaration on women’s rights?
    1. World Economic Forum
    2. Women Economic Forum
    3. United Nations
    4. UNESCO

  • What is the new official name of the Mars 2020 rover of NASA?
    1. Zeal
    2. Passion
    3. Perseverance
    4. Enthusiasm

  • Which global institution has announced a fast-track aid of USD 12 billion to combat the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak?
    1. International Monetary Fund
    2. World Bank
    3. Asian Development Bank
    4. None of these

  • Which country is developing satellite to predict bush-fire danger zones?
    1. New Zealand
    2. Australia
    3. South Korea
    4. Philippines

  • The recent leap year, where February had 29 days, was_________?
    1. 2016
    2. 2018
    3. 2019
    4. 2020

  • According to the ";Hurun Global Rich list 2020"; which country has the highest number of billionaire';s?
    1. USA
    2. Saudi Arabia
    3. China
    4. Russia

  • After how many years the United States & Taliban signed historic peace agreement in Doha, Qatar?
    1. 16
    2. 18
    3. 20
    4. None of these

  • Muhyiddin Yassin was sworn in as the ______ PM of Malaysia?
    1. 6th
    2. 8th
    3. 10th
    4. None of these

  • Janez Jansa has been appointed as a new Prime Minister of which country?
    1. Nepal
    2. Ghana
    3. Slovenia
    4. Madagascar

  • Which country has recently withdrawn from UNHCR?
    1. Argentina
    2. Maldives
    3. Bahamas
    4. Sri Lanka

  • The Diamond Princess cruise ship, which witnessed the largest coronavirus outbreak, is quarantined in which country?
    1. China
    2. South Korea
    3. Japan
    4. Iran

  • ___________becomes the first country with free public transport?
    1. America
    2. Japan
    3. Pakistan
    4. Luxembourg

  • Where Afghan-Peace-Deal was signed?
    1. Kabul
    2. New York
    3. Doha
    4. Islamabad

  • Who signed the Afghan-Peace-Deal on the behalf of USA?
    1. Donald Trump
    2. Zalmy Khalilzad
    3. Mike Pompeo
    4. James Mattis

  • Afghan Peace Deal was signed between?
    1. Afghanistan Govt. and USA
    2. Al-Qaida and USA
    3. Taliban and USA
    4. Afghanistan Govt. and NATO

  • Who signed the peace accord on behalf of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan?
    1. Hibatullah Akhundzada
    2. Akhtar Mohammad Mansour
    3. Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar
    4. Zalmay Khalilzad

  • On which date US-Taliban sign historic Peace deal?
    1. 27.02.2020
    2. 28.02.2020
    3. 29.02.2020
    4. None of these

  • Which country is the first to develop an antibody test to identify the novel coronavirus (COVID-19)?
    1. China
    2. Usa
    3. Singapore
    4. Japan

  • Who has been sworn in as the first vice-president of South Sudan?
    1. Riek Macher
    2. Abdalla Hamdok
    3. M Ahmad Dagalo
    4. None

  • ";World´s oldest man"; ________ died on 25 February 2020 in Japan?
    1. Masazo Nonaka
    2. Chitetsu Watanabe
    3. Kane Tanaka
    4. None of these

  • Leo Varadkar, who recently tendered his resignation, was the PM of which country ?
    1. Ireland
    2. Switzerland
    3. Malaysia
    4. None of these