• Iraq';s Capital Baghdad was built by__________?
    1. Ibn e Hashim
    2. Al Mansoor
    3. Uqba bin Rafay
    4. None of these

  • Who was the first Sultan of Delhi to issue regular currency and to declare Delhi as the capital of his empire?
    1. AmarShah
    2. Iltutmish
    3. Balban
    4. None of these

  • The capital of Tajikistan is_________?
    1. Dodoma
    2. Dushenbe
    3. Astana
    4. Tashkent

  • Nicosia is the capital of which country __________ ?
    1. Denmark
    2. Dominica
    3. Cyprus
    4. None of these

  • Moroni is the capital of which country __________ ?
    1. Cyprus
    2. Czechia
    3. Comoros
    4. None of these

  • Bogotá is the capital of which country __________ ?
    1. Comoros
    2. Cuba
    3. Colombia
    4. None of these

  • What is the capital of Tonga?
    1. Funafuti
    2. Nuku';alofa
    3. Port Vila
    4. None of these

  • Tarawa is the capital of_________?
    1. Nauru
    2. Tuvalu
    3. Kiribati
    4. None of these

  • "; Buka "; is the capital of_________?
    1. Micronesia
    2. Bougainville
    3. Vanuatu
    4. None of these

  • Which Country has three Capitals?
    1. South Africa
    2. Sri Lanka
    3. Yemen
    4. None of these

  • The capital of Malawi is_________?
    1. Abuja
    2. Lilongwe
    3. lusaka
    4. None

  • Pristine is Capital Of__________?
    1. Thumpo
    2. Davo City
    3. Kosovo
    4. Melbourne

  • What is the Capital city of Bangladesh?
    1. New Delhi
    2. Dhaka
    3. Male
    4. Neypidya

  • The capital of Serbia is __________ ?
    1. Burn

  • The capital of Scotland is ___________?

  • The Capital of Zambia is __________ ?
    1. Harare
    2. Apia
    3. Hanoi

  • The Capital of Samoa is __________ ?
    1. Mayotte
    2. Apia

  • The Capital of Kosovo is __________ ?
    1. Port Vila
    2. Sana';a
    3. Apia

  • The Capital of Zimbabwe is __________ ?
    1. Pretoria
    2. Sanna
    3. Harare

  • The capital of Maldives is_________?
    1. Male
    2. Abuja
    3. Thimphu
    4. None of these

  • Tashkent is the capital of_________?
    1. Turkmenistan
    2. Kazakhstan
    3. Uzbekistan
    4. None of these

  • The Capital of the Lebanon is___________?
    1. Jorden
    2. Beirut
    3. Tyre
    4. Sidon

  • The capital of the Panama is _______?
    1. Oslo
    2. Abuja
    3. Panama city
    4. Muscat

  • What is the Capital of Jordan?
    1. Rome
    2. Paris
    3. Amman
    4. Asmara

  • Capital of Belgium is_________?
    1. Brussels
    2. La pez
    3. Paris
    4. Ottawa