• Helsinki is the capital of which country?
    1. Poland
    2. North korea
    3. Finland
    4. Austria

  • Which is second most beautiful Capital in the World?
    1. Paris
    2. London
    3. Bankok
    4. Islamabad

  • Which city was the first capital of the Kingdom of Italy until 1865?
    1. Florence
    2. Rome
    3. Turin
    4. None of Above

  • What is the Capital of Ecuador?
    1. Quito
    2. Islambad
    3. Dehli
    4. Maxico

  • Capital of East Timor___________?
    1. Dili
    2. Helsinki
    3. Beirut
    4. Sydney

  • The country without capital is ___________?
    1. Naura
    2. Vatican city
    3. Iceland
    4. Malta

  • The Kiribati capital is_________________?
    1. Tarawa
    2. Roficanda
    3. Royaldo
    4. South Barati

  • The Capital of Mongolia is___________?
    1. Riga
    2. Mangool
    3. Ulaanbaatar
    4. Lujabe

  • The capital of SriLanka is__________?
    1. Jakarta
    2. Colombo
    3. Kolkata
    4. Malay

  • Dushanbe is the capital of__________?
    1. Tajikistan
    2. Ukraine
    3. kazakhistan
    4. Turkmenistan

  • ";FREE TOWN"; is the capital of_____________?
    1. Somalia
    2. Slovenia
    3. Cuba
    4. Sierra Leone

  • ";Taipei"; is the capital of__________?
    1. Tanzania
    2. Vietnam
    3. Taiwan
    4. Togo

  • What is the capital of Norway?
    1. Vienna
    2. Copenhegan
    3. Oslo
    4. Berlin

  • Capital of Armenia is_____________?
    1. Kampala
    2. Tbilisi
    3. Yerevan
    4. Amman

  • Sana';a is Capital of_________?
    1. Hungary
    2. Austria
    3. Malta
    4. Yemen

  • Sofia is the capital of__________?
    1. Canberra
    2. Austria
    3. Bulgaria
    4. Angola

  • Pristina is the capital of__________?
    1. Hungary
    2. Kosovo
    3. Serbia
    4. Crotia

  • No. Of commissioners appointed by the congress in order to find out the suitable area for the capital of America, were__________?
    1. 5
    2. 7
    3. 2
    4. 3

  • The Capital of America Washington D.C was founded in__________?
    1. 1891
    2. 1790
    3. 1691
    4. 1091

  • Norway';s capital is OSLO. What was the old name of OSLO?
    1. Christiania
    2. Layalpur
    3. Mesopotamia
    4. Svalbard

  • Hanoi is the capital of__________?
    1. Ukraine
    2. Myanmar
    3. Libya
    4. Vietnam

  • What is the Capital of Taiwan ?
    1. Hong Kong
    2. Taipei
    3. Shanghai
    4. Berlin

  • Dar es Salaam was former capital of__________?
    1. Tanzania
    2. Nepal
    3. Albania
    4. Egypt

  • Caracas is capital of_____________?
    1. Brazil
    2. Australia
    3. Venezuela
    4. US

  • Capital of Austria is?
    1. Canberra
    2. Vienna
    3. Dushanbe
    4. Rome