• In which graphics, digital photos and scanned images are typically stored with extensions such as.bmp, .png, .jpg, .tif or.gif?
    1. Bitmap
    2. Pixels
    3. Both Bitmap and Pixels
    4. Plane

  • Microsoft Office is an example of a__________?
    1. Horizontal market software
    2. Open source software
    3. Vertical market software
    4. Closed source software

  • A number system that has eight different symbols to represent any quantity is known as...;..?
    1. Binary
    2. Octal
    3. Decimal
    4. Hexadecimal

  • Who has been called the world';s first Lady computer programmer?
    1. Ada Lovelace
    2. Allegra Byron
    3. Lady Augusta
    4. Allegra Noel-Byron

  • Multi user systems provided cost savings for small business because they use a single processing unit to link several_________?
    1. Personal Computer
    2. Workstations
    3. Dumb Terminals
    4. Mainframes

  • What do you use to create a chart?
    1. Pie wizard
    2. Excel wizard
    3. Data wizard
    4. Chart wizard

  • COR Corel Draw is an example of___________?
    1. Vector graphics
    2. Raster graphics or bitmaps
    3. Color graphics
    4. Negative films

  • VAB stands for___________?
    1. voice auto broadcasting
    2. Visual and audio broadcasting
    3. Voice answer back
    4. None of these

  • Who invented Java programming language ?
    1. Deniss Ritche
    2. Linus Torvalds
    3. James Gosling
    4. Bajarnae

  • Which of the following is the slowest in accessing data?
    1. Zip disk
    2. Hard disk
    3. Floppy disk
    4. Magnetic disk

  • Virus is the word of which language?
    1. English
    2. Latin
    3. Greek
    4. None of These

  • IBM Stands for _________?
    1. International Business Machine
    2. Integrated Business Machine
    3. Information Business Machines
    4. International Business Model

  • First Computer for home use was introduced in 1981 by which company?
    1. IBM
    2. Apple
    3. Intel
    4. Dell

  • File Management is responsibly of__________?
    1. Task Manager
    2. RAM
    3. BIOS
    4. Operating System

  • Half of a byte is called?
    1. Transistor
    2. Compiler
    3. Nibble
    4. Binary Digit

  • What Does SIM Stand for on a Cell Phone?
    1. Subscriber identity module
    2. Subscriber Inline module
    3. Secret Internet module
    4. Subscriber Interface Module

  • Which of the following term means to reckon?
    1. putare
    2. com
    3. computa
    4. computar

  • HTTP stands for___________?
    1. Hypertext transfer processor
    2. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
    3. High transfer protocol
    4. None

  • Directory in a directory is called__________?
    1. Sub directory
    2. Mini directory
    3. Junior Directory
    4. Active directory

  • HTTPS stands for___________?
    1. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Section
    2. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure
    3. Hypertext Transfer Protocol start
    4. None of these

  • Latest MS Windows is__________?
    1. Windows 8
    2. Windows 16
    3. Windows 10
    4. Windows 7

  • A wireless technology built in electronic gadgets used for exchanging data over short distances is?
    1. Bluetooth
    2. Wifi
    3. Modem
    4. USB

  • PNG is a file extention of__________?
    1. Audio
    2. Video
    3. Image
    4. Flash

  • When was MS Windows operating system introduced?
    1. 1975
    2. 1985
    3. 1990
    4. 2000

  • The Speed of CPU is measured in_______?
    1. megahertz
    2. gigahertz
    3. Both A & B
    4. None of these