• Google is an_________multinational technology company?
    1. American
    2. Indian
    3. Italian
    4. German

  • Who invented punched card to create patterns in fabric woven on a loom?
    1. Charles Babbage
    2. Joseph Jacquard
    3. William Burroughs
    4. Bush

  • Short Key of Rename any object in computer System?
    1. F2
    2. F1
    3. Ctrl+w
    4. Ctrl+F

  • Short Key Of Window Refreshing ?
    1. F12
    2. F9
    3. F2
    4. F5

  • First page of Website is termed as__________?
    1. Homepage
    2. Index
    3. JAVA script
    4. Bookmark

  • Which of the following registers is used to keep track of address of the memory location where the next instruction is located?
    1. Memory Data Register
    2. Instruction Register
    3. Memory Address Register

  • Which programming language is much in vogue among users of microcomputers ________ ?
    1. APL
    2. None of these

  • Which device of computer operation dispenses with the use of the keyboard?
    1. Joystick
    2. Light pen
    3. Mouse
    4. Touch

  • Which of the following shortcut is used to Bring desktop to the top of other windows ?
    1. WinKey + D

  • To create Web Pages we use a term, called _________ ?
    1. TCP/IP
    2. WWW
    3. HTML
    4. FTP

  • 1 nibble equals to___________?
    1. 12 bits
    2. 16 bits
    3. 4 bits
    4. 2 bits

  • Google was founded on_________?
    1. Sept 4, 1998
    2. Mar 6, 1998
    3. Jan 14, 1998
    4. Aug 20, 1998
    5. students at Stanford University in California. Together they own about 14 percent of its shares and control 56 percent of the stockholder voting power through supervoting stock. They incorporated Google as a California privately held company on September 4, 1998, in California. Google celebrates its birthday on September 27 however Previously Google had celebrated its birthday on many different dates like September 7th, 8th and 26th.

  • Which of the following is not a class based on size?
    1. Mainframe computer
    2. Micro computer
    3. Mini computer
    4. Digital computer

  • Combination of two or more networks are called _______ ?
    1. Internetwork
    2. WAN
    3. MAN
    4. LAN

  • Example of an analog to analog conversion is_________?
    1. Radio
    2. Video
    3. Television
    4. Internet

  • Combination of two or more topologies are called _______ ?
    1. Hybrid
    2. Star
    3. Bus
    4. Ring

  • The Hypertexts are documents linked to one another through the concept of _________ ?
    1. Pointers
    2. Variables
    3. Stacks
    4. Arrays

  • Which of the following languages is more suited to a structured program?
    1. PL/1
    2. BASIC

  • Which of the following is a popular programming language for developing multimedia webpages ________ ?
    1. BASIC
    2. Assembler
    3. Java
    4. COBOL

  • Which Network topology needs HUB for its working?
    1. Bus
    2. Ring
    3. Star
    4. Star and Bus both

  • Human beings are referred to as Homosapiens, which device is called Sillico Sapiens?
    1. Monitor
    2. Hardware
    3. Robot
    4. Computer

  • Vendor-created program modifications are called ________ ?
    1. patches
    2. fixes
    3. antiviruses
    4. holes

  • _________are attempts by individuals to obtain confidential information from you by falsifying their identity?
    1. Computer viruses
    2. Phishing trips
    3. Phishing scams
    4. Spyware scams

  • In the email dialogue box Bcc is used for writing the__________?
    1. Subject
    2. Email Address
    3. Phone Numbers
    4. Names

  • In IT, associative memory is called as__________?
    1. Virtual memory
    2. Cache memory
    3. Content Addressable Memory
    4. Main memory