• “The one program running at all times on the computer” is the:
    1. Kernel
    2. Software
    3. Windows
    4. Task Manager

  • A program that acts as an intermediary between a user of a computer and the computer hardware:
    1. Utility Software
    2. Computer Software
    3. Operating System
    4. Application Software

  • Most widely Spreaded computer virus was ________ ?
    1. I love you
    2. I hate you
    3. Oracle
    4. None of these

  • A______________is a collection of data organized in a manner that allows access, retrieval and use of that data.
    1. File
    2. Recordset
    3. Database
    4. document

  • The First Mechanical Computer Designed by Charles Babbage was called___________ ?
    1. Abacus
    2. Super Computer
    3. Analytical Engine
    4. Processing Machine

  • The digital signals can be represented by________?
    1. 0 and 1
    2. Binary Codes
    3. High and Low
    4. All of Above

  • Which is a non-volatile memory ?
    1. ROM
    2. RAM
    3. BIOS
    4. None of Above

  • Which is a volatile memory ?
    1. ROM
    2. RAM
    3. BIOS
    4. PROM

  • A single point on a computer screen is called__________?
    1. Cell
    2. Bit
    3. Pixel
    4. Element

  • A normal CD-ROM usualy can store up to data?
    1. 680 KB
    2. 680 Bytes
    3. 680 MB
    4. 60 GB

  • The first mechanical calculator was invented in which year?
    1. 1543
    2. 1858

  • which of the following is a programming language?
    1. Lotus
    2. Pascal
    3. MS-Excel
    4. Netscape

  • What is the Name of Google’s Parent Company?
    1. Alphabet Inc
    2. Amazon
    3. The Priceline Group
    4. None of these

  • Digitizer also referred as_________?
    1. Digital audio player
    2. Digital video editor
    3. Input Device
    4. None of these

  • What is the last step in data encapsulation ?
    1. User information is changed into data.
    2. Frames are placed into bits
    3. Segments are changed into datagram and packets.
    4. Packets are placed into logical frame.

  • Virtual Memory is typically located in ?
    1. RAM
    2. CPU
    3. Hard Drive
    4. Flash Memory

  • How much headings in HTML?
    1. 2
    2. 4
    3. 6
    4. None of these

  • QuickTime is a _______ ?
    1. Website
    2. Search Engine
    3. Media Player
    4. Language

  • CRT is the technology used in a:___________?
    1. Mouse
    2. Monitor
    3. Trojan Horse
    4. None of these

  • Which is not the layer of Operating System?
    1. Kernal
    2. Shell
    3. Application Program
    4. Critical Section

  • which type of software controls your application software and manages how your hardware devices work together?
    1. System Software
    2. Operating System
    3. Utility Software
    4. Application Software

  • The blinking symbol on the computer screen is called ___________?
    1. mouse
    2. logo
    3. hand
    4. cursor

  • which layer of OSI model used by router?
    1. layer 2
    2. layer 4
    3. layer 3
    4. All of above

  • What term describes a picture that has been resized by a percentage ?
    1. Cropped
    2. Flipped
    3. Scaled
    4. Stretched

  • Shortcut keys to switch to the next windows ?
    1. Alt + tab
    2. Shift + Tab
    3. Alt + Ctrl
    4. Ctrl + Tab