• What is the name of a memory buffer used to accommodate a speed differential?
    1. Cache
    2. Stack Pointer
    3. Accumulator
    4. Disc (SSC CG)

  • We can start MS Word by typing ________ in the Run Dialog box.
    1. winword.exe
    2. word.exe
    3. msword.exe
    4. docx.exe

  • The first computer made available for commercial use was________?
    1. MANIAC
    2. ENIAC
    3. UNIVAC
    4. EDSAC

  • Data in database at a particular point of time is called as?
    1. Intension
    2. Extension
    3. Back up
    4. Application

  • Which of the following commands is called as three-finger salute in computers ?
    1. Ctrl + Alt + Delete
    2. Ctrl + Shift + Escape
    3. Ctrl + Shift + Enter
    4. Ctrl + Alt + Arrow key

  • Which of the following is used for very high speed searching applications ?
    1. Flash Memory
    2. Content-addressable Memory
    3. Dynamic Random Access Memory
    4. Static Random Access Memory

  • The term GIGO is related to?
    1. Flexibility
    2. Versatility
    3. Automatic
    4. Accuracy

  • USB is _____ type of storage device.
    1. Auxillary
    2. Primary
    3. Secondary
    4. Tertiary

  • After ‘PROM’ is programmed, we can only ____ the information?
    1. Read
    2. Write
    3. Read and Write
    4. Remove

  • In Windows XP, what does ';XP'; stands for?
    1. eXPensive
    2. eXPlore
    3. eXPerience
    4. eXtra Power

  • Computer Monitor is also known as __________?
    1. DVU
    2. VUD
    3. VDU
    4. None of these

  • Arithmetic operations are performed by ______?
    1. AU
    2. CU
    3. ALU
    4. LU

  • Which of the following is the founder of Snapchat?
    1. Bill Gates
    2. Evan Spiegel
    3. Robert E Kahn
    4. Steve Woziak

  • A collection of computers connected together is called______?
    1. Processing
    2. Network
    3. Chatting
    4. Centralized System

  • Printers and Monitors are common forms of ______?
    1. Input units
    2. Output Units
    3. Storage Unit
    4. Processing Unit

  • Which device converts data and instrument in a form that computer understand?
    1. Input
    2. Output
    3. Storage
    4. Memory

  • Device used to enter data or information into a computer include:__________?
    1. Keyboard
    2. Mouse
    3. Microphone
    4. All

  • How may types of computer according to the size?
    1. 4
    2. 3
    3. 2
    4. None of these

  • Servers are computers that provide resources to other computers connected to a___________?
    1. Network
    2. Mainframe
    3. Supercomputer
    4. Client

  • The minimum amount of RAM required for the installation of Windows 2000 is_______ ?
    1. 16 MB
    2. 32 MB
    3. 64 MB
    4. 128 MB

  • SIMM Stands For ______?
    1. Single Inline Memory Module
    2. Single Identify Memory Module
    3. Secret Internet Memory module
    4. None of them

  • 1 KB (Killobyte) is equal to ______?
    1. 1024 Megabytes
    2. 1024 bytes

  • One MB (Megabyte) is equal to ________?
    1. 1024 Killobytes
    2. 1000 Bits
    3. 1024 Gigabyte

  • 4 nibbles equals to__________?
    1. 2 bits
    2. 4 bits
    3. 2 bytes
    4. 4 bytes

  • Who is known as the Father of video games ?
    1. Karl Bens
    2. Ralph H. Bear
    3. Karoline Berliner
    4. Andrew Smith Bernard