• Hard disk drives are considered _________ storage.
    1. flash
    2. nonvolatile
    3. nonpermanent
    4. temporary

  • Procedural language is ___________ generation language.
    1. 1st
    2. 2nd
    3. 3rd
    4. 4th

  • Pseudo code is similar to ___________?
    1. Machine language
    2. Simple English
    3. Scientific language
    4. All of these

  • Computer program is also known as ___________?
    1. Software
    2. Process
    3. Procedure
    4. Compiler

  • Driver of computer Hardware are:__________?
    1. Application Software
    2. Utility Programme
    3. System software
    4. Productivity software

  • "; Disk Cleanup"; is a/an:________?
    1. Device Driver
    2. Productivity driver
    3. File Manger
    4. Utility Manger

  • F1 through F 12 are called_________keys.
    1. Function
    2. Modifier
    3. Control
    4. None of the above

  • Ctrl, Shift, Alt and windows are called__________keys.
    1. Modifier
    2. Function
    3. Numeric
    4. Alphanumeric

  • Which of the following does computing in a personal computer?
    1. CPU
    2. Motherboard
    3. RAM
    4. BIOS

  • RAID stands for:
    1. Redundant Array of Independent Disks
    2. Redundant Array of Independent Device
    3. Redundant Array of Independent Division
    4. None of these

  • Which of these is a peripheral device?
    1. Printer
    2. CD Rom
    3. Monitor
    4. None of these

  • Which of the following is used as ";Input device"; for the computer?
    1. VDU
    2. TV
    3. Printer
    4. Light pen

  • Which of the following is not true of FORTRAN?
    1. It was developed for scientific and mathematical applications
    2. It is one of the oldest high-level languages
    3. It is a problem oriented language
    4. It requires extensive internal documentation

  • Which of the following do not belong to queues for processes?
    1. Job Queue
    2. PCB queue
    3. Device Queue
    4. Ready Queue

  • The basic unit of CPU utilization is called?
    1. Process
    2. Thread
    3. program
    4. None of these
    5. )

  • Hyperlink is __________________?
    1. Blue text with Bold
    2. Blue text with Italic
    3. Blue text with without underline
    4. Blue text with underline

  • Which of the following device uses the parallel transmission?
    1. Mouse
    2. Keyboard
    3. Printer
    4. Light Pen

  • Which memory acts as a buffer Between CPU and the main memory ?
    1. RAM
    2. ROM
    3. Static RAM
    4. Cache memory

  • Which of the following is single-user single-tasking operating system?
    1. Ms Dos
    2. Windows
    3. MAC-OS
    4. Both aandc

  • Who was the inventor of mouse?
    1. Douglas Engelbart
    2. Ada Lovelace
    3. Charles Babbage
    4. None of these

  • Which of the following is not used to access the web?
    1. ISDN
    2. Modem
    3. UDP
    4. DSL

  • Computer is a _______________?
    1. Physical Machine
    2. Electronic Machine
    3. Chemical Machine
    4. Mechanical Machine

  • Microsoft Office Picture Manager is:
    1. Basic photo management software
    2. A scanning and OCR application
    3. An application that supports editing scanned documents
    4. None of these

  • Which one is a Note-taking software for use with tablet PCs or regular PCs.
    1. Microsoft PowerPoint
    2. None of these
    3. Microsoft OneNote
    4. Microsoft Access

  • 1GB is equal to______ bytes?
    1. 1 million bytes
    2. 1 trillion bytes
    3. 1 billion bytes
    4. None