• GUI is a/an ___________?
    1. Software
    2. Program
    3. Operating System
    4. Application software

  • Q. In CoralDraw, for Ungroup we use the shortkey ___________.
    1. Control + U
    2. Altr + UG
    3. Control + Shift
    4. Control + F

  • Who is father of computer networking?
    1. Ray Noorda
    2. Vint Cerf
    3. Google
    4. Novell

  • When was the first IBM microcomputer called IBM with 16-bit microprocessor introduced?
    1. 1979
    2. 1981
    3. 1982
    4. 1984

  • What was the name of the first commercially available microprocessor chip
    1. Intel 8008
    2. Intel 8080
    3. Intel 4004
    4. Motorola 6809

  • What was the name of the first personal computer electronic spreadsheet software package which became a smash hit as soon as it was introduced in 1978
    1. Word star
    2. VisiCalc
    3. Lotus 1-2-3
    4. Excel

  • Distributed data entry means that data can be_____________?
    1. Entered at different locations where it originates
    2. Sent to different locations from a central place
    3. Accessed from different places know as distribution points
    4. Distributed through a network

  • Present day computers are based on __________?
    1. Along technology
    2. Hybrid technology
    3. Digital technology
    4. none of the above

  • A computer is capable of performing almost any task provided, that it can be?
    1. Coded
    2. Memorised
    3. Analysed
    4. Reduced to a series of logical steps

  • Which key is used for Help in PowerPoint
    1. F1
    2. F2
    3. F3
    4. None of These

  • How to create a new presentation in PowerPoint
    1. Ctrl + N
    2. Ctrl + M
    3. Ctrl+ S
    4. None of these

  • How to Open a presentation in PowerPoint?
    1. Ctrl + K
    2. Ctrl + O
    3. Ctrl+ A
    4. None of these

  • We can insert a page number at
    1. Header
    2. Footer
    3. Both A and B
    4. None of these

  • A number of letters that appear a little above the normal text is called?
    1. Superscript
    2. Subscript
    3. Super text
    4. Top text

  • The space left between the margin and the start of a paragraph is called ___________?
    1. Spacing
    2. Gutter
    3. Indentation
    4. Alignment

  • In which view Headers and Footers are visible
    1. Normal View
    2. Page Layout View
    3. Print Layout View
    4. Draft View

  • A set of processes is deadlock if ?
    1. each process is blocked and will remain so forever
    2. each process is terminated
    3. all processes are trying to kill each other
    4. None of these

  • The device used to carry digital data on analogue lines is called as_________?
    1. Modem
    2. Multiplexer
    3. Modulator
    4. Demodulator

  • Which one of the following is not a client server application?
    1. Internet chat
    2. Web browsing
    3. E-mail
    4. ping

  • Which is the place that is used to connect various external devices to the computer?
    1. Circuit
    2. Whole
    3. Port
    4. None of these

  • Which one is a Program of Operating System that carries your Data?
    1. BIOS
    2. ROM
    3. Loader
    4. Processor

  • Which one holds Data and Instructions?
    1. Hard Disk
    2. BIOS
    3. RAM
    4. Task Manager

  • Arrangement of Computer is called?
    1. Setting
    2. Topology
    3. Processing
    4. Wiring

  • Type/s of Picture is/are?
    1. Vector
    2. Raster
    3. Master
    4. both A and B

  • Picture is made of __________?
    1. Lines
    2. Dots
    3. Scratches
    4. Lightings