• Which statement is valid about computer program?
    1. High level languages must be converted into machine language to execute
    2. High level language programs are more efficient and faster to execute
    3. It is more difficult to identify errors in high level language program than in low level programs
    4. All of above

  • Microprocessors can be used to make________________?
    1. Computer
    2. Digital systems
    3. Calculators
    4. All of the above

  • Memory unit is one part of____________?
    1. Input device
    2. Control unit
    3. Output device
    4. Central Processing Unit

  • Which of the following software could assist someone who cannot use their hands for computer input?
    1. Video conferencing
    2. Speech recognition
    3. Audio digitizer
    4. Synthesizer

  • When entering text within a document, the Enter key is normally pressed at the end of every____________?
    1. Line
    2. Sentence
    3. Paragraph
    4. Word
    5. None of these

  • A(n)____________language reflects the way people think mathematically.
    1. cross-platform programming
    2. 3GL business programming
    3. event driven programming
    4. functional

  • What is the name given to those applications that combine text, sound, graphics, motion video, and/or animation?
    1. Motionware
    2. Anigraphics
    3. Videoscapes
    4. Multimedia
    5. None of these

  • A(n)_____________program is one that is ready to run and does not need to be altered in any way.
    1. Interpreter
    2. High level
    3. Compiler
    4. Executable

  • A(n)_____________is a set of programs designed to manage the resources of a computer, including starting the computer, managing programs, managing memory and coordinating tasks between input and output devices?
    1. application suite
    2. input/output system
    3. Operating system
    4. None of these

  • In power point, the header and footer button can be found on the insert tab in what group?
    1. Illustrations group
    2. Object group
    3. Text group
    4. Tables group

  • Forms that are used to organize business data into rows and coloumns are called_____________?
    1. transaction sheets
    2. registers
    3. business forms
    4. spread sheets

  • A detailed written description of the programming cycle and the program, along with the test results and a printout of the program is called___________?
    1. documentation
    2. output
    3. reporting
    4. spec sheets

  • A set of rules for telling the computer what operations to perform is called a______________?
    1. procedural language
    2. structures
    3. natural language
    4. programming language

  • Which of these is a point and draw device?
    1. Mouse
    2. Scanner
    3. Printer
    4. CD-ROM

  • Fourth generation mobile technology provides enhanced capabilities allowing the transfer of both____________data, including full-motion video, high-speed internet access, and video conferencing.
    1. video data and information
    2. voice and non-voice
    3. music and video
    4. video and audio

  • What is the overall term for creating editing, formatting, storing, retrieving and printing a text document?
    1. Word processing
    2. Spreadsheet design
    3. Web design
    4. Database management

  • Which of these is not a means of personal communication on the internet?
    1. Chat
    2. Instant messaging
    3. Insta notes
    4. Electronic mail

  • What feature adjusts the top and bottom margins so that the text is centered vertically on the printed page?
    1. Vertical justifying
    2. Vertical adjusting
    3. Dual centering
    4. Horizontal centering

  • _______________devices convert human understandable data and programs into a form that the computer can process?
    1. Printing
    2. Output
    3. Solid state
    4. Input

  • The software that is used to create text-based documents are referred to as_________________?
    1. DBMS
    2. Suites
    3. Spreadsheets
    4. Word processors

  • _______________is the most important/powerful computer in a typical network?
    1. Desktop
    2. Network client
    3. Network server
    4. Network station

  • _____________is a windows utility program that locates and eliminates unncessary fragments and rearranges filed and unused disk space to optimize operations?
    1. Backup
    2. Disk cleanup
    3. Disk Defragmenter
    4. Restore

  • A(n)_______________appearing on a web page opens another document when clicked.
    1. anchor
    2. URL
    3. hyperlink
    4. reference

  • The CPU comprises of Control, Memory and_______________units?
    1. Microprocessor
    2. Arithmetic/Logic
    3. Output
    4. ROM

  • To display the contents of a folder in Windows Explorer you should:
    1. click on it
    2. collapse it
    3. name it
    4. give it a password
    5. None of these