• Which of the following uses a handheld operating system?
    1. supercomputer
    2. personal computer
    3. Laptop
    4. PDA

  • C'; in CPU denotes___________?
    1. Central
    2. Common
    3. Convenient
    4. Computer
    5. None of these

  • In which type of computer, data are represented as discrete signals?
    1. Analog computer
    2. Digital computer
    3. both
    4. Hybrid Computer

  • physical structure of computer is called____________?
    1. Software
    2. Hardware
    3. Human ware
    4. All of these

  • In world today, most of the computers are_____________?
    1. Digital
    2. Hybrid
    3. Analog
    4. Complex

  • Computers, combine both measuring and counting, are called________________?
    1. Analog
    2. Digital
    3. Hybrid
    4. All of these

  • _______________are system software to facilitate editing of text and data?
    1. MS Word
    2. Editors
    3. PowerPoint
    4. MS publisher

  • NOS stands for______________?
    1. Node operating system
    2. Non-open software
    3. Network Operating system
    4. Non-operating software

  • _____________are set of rules and procedures to control the data transmission over the internet?
    1. IP address
    2. Domains
    3. Protocol
    4. Gateway

  • LAN stands for______________?
    1. Limited Area Network
    2. Logical Area Network
    3. Local Area Network
    4. Large Area Network

  • VOIP stands for___________?
    1. Voice over IP
    2. Video over IP
    3. Viruses over IP
    4. Virtual over IP

  • Which of the following is a network topology?
    1. LAN
    2. WAN
    3. MAN
    4. BUS

  • “MAN” stands for_______________?
    1. Maximum Area Network
    2. Minimum Area Network
    3. Main Area Network
    4. Metropolitan Area Network

  • _______________are specific to users’ needs?
    1. System software
    2. Application software
    3. Assemblers
    4. Compilers

  • ____________are used for plotting graphs and design on papers?
    1. Trackball
    2. Joystick
    3. Light pen
    4. Plotters

  • Touch Screen is___________?
    1. Input device
    2. Output device
    3. Both A & B above
    4. None of these

  • Note book, laptop,palm,hand-held computers are coming under the category of__________computer?
    1. Digital computer
    2. Mainframe computer
    3. Portable computer
    4. Hybrid computer

  • _________computer are of large size?
    1. Micro
    2. Mainframe
    3. Super
    4. Mini

  • ____________computer is a medium sized computer?
    1. Micro
    2. Mainframe
    3. Super
    4. Mini

  • Cathode Ray Tube is a form of__________?
    1. Keyboard
    2. Mouse
    3. Monitor
    4. Mother board

  • ____________computer is small general purpose micro computer, but larger than portable computer?
    1. Hybrid
    2. Digital
    3. Desktop
    4. Laptop

  • _____________computers operates essentially by counting?
    1. Portable computer
    2. Hybrid computer
    3. Analog computer
    4. Digital computer

  • The first electronic computer was developed by____________?
    1. J.V. Attansoff
    2. Bill Gates
    3. Simur Cray
    4. Winton Serf

  • ___________refers to electronic trespassing or criminal hacking?
    1. Cracking
    2. Jacking
    3. Spoofing
    4. Smarming

  • __________is defined as any crime completed through the use of computer technology?
    1. Computer forensics
    2. Computer crime
    3. Hacking
    4. Cracking