• Which planet of our solar system is name after a female?
    1. Uranus
    2. Saturn
    3. Venus
    4. Mercury

  • The winter solstice in the southern Hemisphere occurs on __________?
    1. 22 December
    2. 23 September
    3. 21 June
    4. 22 March

  • The Summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere happens on: __________?
    1. 21 July
    2. 22 December
    3. 22 March
    4. 21 June

  • Which element has the third most % in human body?
    1. Oxygen 65%
    2. Calcium 75%
    3. Hydrogen 10%
    4. Carbon 18%

  • Which element has the second most % in human body?
    1. Oxygen 65%
    2. Calcium 75%
    3. Hydrogen 10%
    4. Carbon 18%

  • Which element has the most % in human body?
    1. Oxygen 65%
    2. Calcium 75%
    3. Hydrogen 10%
    4. Carbon 18%

  • A fresh egg when placed in salt water will __________ ?
    1. sink and go to the bottom
    2. sink but will not go to the bottom
    3. Float
    4. Burst

  • JAUNDICE is the disease of __________?
    1. Heart
    2. Liver
    3. Lungs
    4. Brain

  • Maximum biological damage is caused by ____________?
    1. Gamma rays
    2. Alpha rays
    3. Beta rays
    4. Microwaves

  • Which diagnostic scan gives some of the highest radiation doses in diagnostic radiography ?
    1. CT-Scan
    2. Ultrasound
    3. MRI
    4. X-Ray

  • The importance of perspiration is to ___________?
    1. Eliminate body odours
    2. Improve the general health
    3. Open the pores in the skin
    4. Regulate body temperature

  • Which medicine can be used to make urine red in colour?
    1. isoniazir
    2. iron capsule
    3. Rifampicin
    4. Omeprazole

  • Velometer is used to measure?
    1. Rain
    2. Speed of Air
    3. Wind pressure
    4. Heat

  • Water soluble vitamins are released by__________?
    1. Sweat
    2. Tears
    3. Injections
    4. Urine

  • Which hormone is necessary for the production of milk in the mother';s breast?
    1. FSH
    2. prolactin
    3. A.D.H.
    4. Oxytocin

  • The spray bottles used as window or household cleaner or perfume spray works on: __________?
    1. Capillary action
    2. Bernoulli’s Principle
    3. Pascal’s Law
    4. Stoke’s Law

  • Selenology is the study of __________?
    1. Stars
    2. Galaxy
    3. Moon
    4. Planets.

  • 1 Carat is equal to __________?
    1. 0.2 g
    2. 0.3 g
    3. 0.4 g
    4. 0.5 g

  • What is unit of Pressure?
    1. Barr
    2. Torr
    3. Pascal
    4. All of these

  • What divides the Earth into the Northern and the Southern Hemispheres?
    1. Axis of rotation
    2. Equator
    3. North Pole
    4. South Pole

  • Triple point of water is _________?
    1. 271 K
    2. 272.2 K
    3. 273.16 K
    4. None of these

  • Chili contain which vitamin?
    1. Vitamin A
    2. Vitamin B
    3. Vitamin C
    4. None of these

  • What is ‘Tokamak’ ?
    1. An Israeli radar system
    2. An American anti-missile system
    3. A defence collaboration between Japan and South Korea
    4. A device used in nuclear-fusion research for magnetic confinement of plasma

  • Stars in the sky appear to twinkle due to _________?
    1. a series of refractions
    2. a series of reflections
    3. a surface tension phenomenon
    4. multiple diminishing brightness

  • Nowadays Milk is not considered balanced diet because it is lacking in ___________?
    1. Magnesium and Vitamin D
    2. Iron and Vitamin B
    3. Iron and Vitamin C
    4. calcium and vitamin C
    5. Calcium, phosphate, magnesium, sodium, potassium, citrate, and chlorine are all included as minerals and they typically occur at concentration of 5–40 mM.