• Which animal has three hearts?
    1. Crow
    2. Dolphin
    3. Octopus
    4. None of these

  • The sun completes one full rotation at its equator in how many days?
    1. 365 days
    2. 30 days
    3. 25 days
    4. 23 days

  • The moon rotates on its axis in how many days?
    1. 14.8 days
    2. 17.5 days
    3. 29.7 days
    4. 27.3 days

  • What pigment is responsible for the red color inside a watermelon?
    1. Chlorophyll
    2. Beta-carotene
    3. Lycopene
    4. Anthocyanin

  • How many countries are signatories of NASA';s Artemis Accords as of May 2024?
    1. 29
    2. 30
    3. 40
    4. None of These

  • The moon';s surface is constantly bombarded by?
    1. Comets
    2. UV light
    3. Meteoroids
    4. All of the above

  • The moon';s surface is also covered with a layer of fine dust called?
    1. Gegolith
    2. Megolith
    3. Regolith
    4. None of the above

  • Which planets rotate in the opposite direction of the other planets?
    1. Saturn and Jupiter
    2. Jupiter and Neptune
    3. Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury
    4. Venus and Uranus

  • Terrestrial planets in solar system are made of____________?
    1. Metal
    2. Rock
    3. Both A and B
    4. None of the above

  • Which planets in solar system are called gas giants?
    1. Outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus)
    2. Outer planets (Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus)
    3. Outer planets (Jupiter and Saturn)
    4. Inner planets (Mercury and Earth)

  • Which four planets are also called the terrestrial planets?
    1. Inner planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars)
    2. Outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune)
    3. Inner planets (Mercury, Venus) and outer planets (Uranus, Neptune)
    4. Inner planets (Earth, Mars) and outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn)

  • The sun has a __________ year solar cycle during which its activity increases and decreases.
    1. 10
    2. 11
    3. 12
    4. 13

  • The sun';s atmosphere is divided into following three parts:-
    1. the photosphere, the leutosphere , and the corona
    2. the photosphere, the chromosphere, and the scislophere
    3. the photosphere, the chromosphere, and the corona
    4. None of the above

  • The sun';s surface is called ___________?
    1. Cromosphere
    2. Leutosphere
    3. Thermosphere
    4. Photosphere

  • ___________ is a star at the center of the solar system?
    1. Earth
    2. Mercury
    3. Sun
    4. Venus

  • Stomach stores the ___________?
    1. enzime
    2. Food
    3. hcl
    4. None of These

  • Year is longest on : _____________?
    1. Mercury
    2. Venus
    3. Mars
    4. The Earth
    5. Venus.

  • The outermost layer of the sun is called __________?
    1. Coach
    2. Core
    3. Corona
    4. Comma

  • The sun is _________times bigger than the Earth.
    1. 105
    2. 107
    3. 109
    4. 111

  • Comets revolves around?
    1. The sun
    2. The Moon
    3. The Earth
    4. Venus

  • The outermost layer of the Earth is called ____________?
    1. Crust
    2. Mental
    3. Core
    4. None of these

  • The first organism on earth were _______________?
    1. autotrophs
    2. heterotrophs
    3. saprotrophs
    4. none of these
    5. heterotrophs.

  • The Planet of the solar system which has Maximum number of moons is___________?
    1. Jupiter
    2. Venus
    3. Saturn
    4. Uranus

  • BTU is a unit of________?
    1. Force
    2. Magnetic flux
    3. Energy
    4. None of these

  • Who is the father of fingerprints?
    1. Sir Francis Galton';s
    2. HM Smith
    3. Marcelo Malpighi
    4. Dr Nehemiah