• Which of the following is not a part of Darwinism?
    1. Over production
    2. Natural selection
    3. Inheritance for acquired characters
    4. Competition for survival
    5. None of these

  • The Chandrayaan-3 mission by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) was successfully lifted off from which Space Centre?
    1. Paresh Dhawan Space Centre
    2. Satish Dhawan Space Centre
    3. Ram Dhawan Space Centre
    4. Shiri Dhawan Space Centre

  • The ice giants are mostly made of ';volatile'; substances such as?
    1. Water, mercury and methane
    2. Water, ammonia and mercury
    3. Water, plasma and methane
    4. Water, ammonia and methane

  • Which planets are called ice giants?
    1. Outer planets (Uranus and Neptune)
    2. Outer planets (Jupiter and Neptune)
    3. Outer planets (Jupiter and Saturn)
    4. Inner planets (Mercury and Earth)

  • __________ is the point in solar system at which pressure from the solar wind is equal to the opposing pressure of the interstellar medium.
    1. Seliopause
    2. Meliopause
    3. Heliopause
    4. Beliopause

  • The sun is expected to exhaust its hydrogen fuel in about 5 billion years. What will be its effect?
    1. The sun will then expand into a red giant and possibly swallow the outer planets
    2. The sun will then expand into a red giant and possibly swallow the inner as well as outer planets, including Earth
    3. The sun will then expand into a red giant and possibly swallow the inner planets, including Earth
    4. Sun will stay as it is

  • How dark matter is detected?
    1. Dark matter is detected through its absorption effects
    2. Dark matter is detected through its gravitational effects on visible matter
    3. Dark matter is detected through its absorption and gravitational effects
    4. Dark matter cannot be detected

  • What makes dark matter invisible to telescope?
    1. Dark matter interacts with electromagnetic force for very short duration
    2. Dark matter does not interact with electrostatic force
    3. Dark matter does not interact with electromagnetic force
    4. None of the above

  • NASA';s ________ rover landed on Mars in February 2021.
    1. Persistence
    2. Desistance
    3. Perseverance
    4. None of the above

  • NASA';s ________ program aims to land humans on the moon again in 2024.
    1. Artemis
    2. Arshamedis
    3. Arsenimdo
    4. Bertonies

  • NASA';s _________ is currently studying the sun up close.
    1. Darker Solar Probe
    2. Walker Solar Probe
    3. Parker Solar Probe
    4. Falkner Solar Probe

  • NASA';s Mars rover, __________ , has been exploring Mars since 2012.
    1. Diversity
    2. Serenity
    3. Curiosity
    4. Divinity

  • What is the largest artificial object in space?
    1. ISS (International Space Station)
    2. AI powered robot
    3. Parabolic aircraft
    4. None of the above

  • The ISS (International Space Station) orbits Earth about once every?
    1. 60 minutes at an altitude of about 400 km
    2. 60 minutes at an altitude of about 500 km
    3. 90 minutes at an altitude of about 400 km
    4. 90 minutes at an altitude of about 500 km

  • The solar wind creates a ";bubble"; around the solar system called?
    1. Feliosphere
    2. Seliosphere
    3. Heliosphere
    4. Peliosphere

  • The solar wind can reach speeds of up to?
    1. 600 km/s
    2. 700 km/s
    3. 800 km/s
    4. 650 km/s

  • Solar wind is caused by the high temperature and pressure in the sun';s which atmosphere?
    1. Photosphere
    2. Chromosphere
    3. Corona
    4. A and B

  • The solar wind is a stream of charged particles mostly?
    1. protons and electrons; flows out from the sun
    2. electrons; flows out from the sun
    3. protons; flows out from the sun
    4. protons and electrons; revolves around the sun

  • The Kuiper belt and Oort cloud were first proposed by?
    1. Dutch astronomer Kuiper in 1950
    2. Dutch astronomer Jan Oort in 1950
    3. Dutch astronomer Kuiper Oort in 1950
    4. French astronomer Jan Oort and Kuiper in 1950

  • Some objects from the Kuiper belt are classified as ";plutoids"; and include?
    1. Pluto, Cris, and Yeres
    2. Pluto, Bris, and Teres
    3. Pluto, Eris, and Ceres
    4. Yeres, Teres, Ceres

  • The Oort cloud is estimated to be about __________ AU away from the sun?
    1. 100,000
    2. 200,000
    3. 300,000
    4. 400,000

  • Which of the following is a region of the solar system even farther out than the Kuiper belt?
    1. The Gort cloud
    2. The Oort cloud
    3. The Fort cloud
    4. The Nort cloud

  • The Kuiper belt is a region of the solar system beyond?
    1. Venus
    2. Saturn
    3. Neptune
    4. Earth

  • Most asteroids orbit the sun in a region called the asteroid belt between?
    1. Mars and Jupiter
    2. Jupiter and Saturn
    3. Mercury and Neptune
    4. Venus and Uranus

  • Asteroids are made mostly of?
    1. Rock, metal, ice and dust
    2. Rock and metal
    3. Metal and gas
    4. Metal, gas and rock