• How many major gases have been used in re​frig​er​a​tors since its invention?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 5

  • Which planet looks reddish in the night sky ?
    1. Jupiter
    2. Saturn
    3. Mars
    4. MercurY

  • Pregnancy time period of ";mice"; is ___________?
    1. 2 weeks
    2. 2.5 weeks
    3. 3 weeks
    4. 4 weeks

  • The color of a sedimentary rock is often mostly determined by___________?
    1. Zinc
    2. Iron
    3. Calcium
    4. None of these

  • What colour is called magenta?
    1. Black
    2. White
    3. Yellow
    4. Reddish-Purple

  • Which of these is ';escapism';?
    1. an extreme sport
    2. a vintage fasion style
    3. a dangerous adventure
    4. mental diversion from unpleasant or boring aspects of daily life

  • A Cheetah can accelerate to 100 kmph in just__________.
    1. 3 seconds
    2. 6 seconds
    3. 9 seconds
    4. 12 seconds

  • Aphasia is the inability to do what?
    1. Walk
    2. Communicate
    3. Study
    4. Bath

  • In radio, what does the FM stands for?
    1. Frequency modulation
    2. Frequency meter
    3. Fiber modulation
    4. Frequency Magnet

  • Carpology is a discipline devoted to the study of what?
    1. Corbons
    2. Cubes
    3. Seeds and fruits
    4. Infertile soils

  • Which insect can survive without a head for one or more weeks?
    1. Ladybird
    2. Bee
    3. Cockroach
    4. Termite

  • The term xerostomia refers to_________?
    1. dry skin
    2. dry mouth
    3. dry nose
    4. dry head

  • In the human body, the lungs remove which gas from the blood?
    1. Nitrogen
    2. Hydrogen
    3. Carbon Dioxide
    4. Argon

  • Where is the location of intermediate neurons?
    1. Kidney
    2. Brain
    3. Spleen
    4. Liver

  • What fear do people with haphephobia have?
    1. fear of dogs
    2. fear of helicopters
    3. fear of touch
    4. fear of houses

  • Natural Radioactivity was discovered by Becquerel in ____________?
    1. 1766
    2. 1896
    3. 1935
    4. 2001

  • The ‘Solar Corona’ mainly consists of?
    1. Gases
    2. Ice
    3. Molten lava
    4. Cosmic rays

  • A light year is a unit of ?
    1. Time
    2. Energy
    3. distance
    4. Mass

  • Blood sugar is measured in:
    1. mmHg
    2. mg/deciliter
    3. PPM
    4. Gram/Liter

  • Smoke is an solution of _________?
    1. Solid in solid
    2. Solid in liquid
    3. Solid in gas
    4. Gas in gas

  • Fog is an example of _________?
    1. Gas in gas
    2. Gas in liquid
    3. Liquid in Gas
    4. Liquid in liquid

  • The Blood Grouping Was Discovered by__________ ?
    1. Robert Oppenheimer
    2. Karl Landsteiner

  • The optic nerve which is found in the human brain is also called ___________?
    1. Second cranial nerve
    2. Mini nervous
    3. Carnival nerve
    4. Sustained nerve

  • The frequency of ultrasound wave is typically?
    1. Above 20 kHz
    2. Above 20,000 kHz
    3. Below 20 kHz
    4. Below 02 kHz

  • What does A1C measure in the blood test?
    1. total cholestrol
    2. blood sugar level for three months
    3. fructosamine
    4. muscle strength